
      MAT123 Spring 2025 Notes

Comments ...

A Question: if I open the test later today do i still have time until Sunday?
      A student asked, "I see the information for test 3 and we have time until Sunday. my question is:
if I open the test later today do i still have time until Sunday?"
      My reply: it will remain posted "UNTIL NOON ON SUNDAY, 3/23/2025"
You may go to the test as you wish. You may read it. You may print it. But SUBMIT IT ONLY ONCE.
      Please submit the test ONLY ONCE.
Go with confidence.   Stay safe, A2

Comments ...

Test 3 for 3/21/25 IS NOT DUE UNTIL SUNDAY, NOON 3/23/2025
Hi, asquared at MCC
      Test 3 is linked below, but, because I still have not finished the two videos, THE TEST IS NOT DUE UNTIL NOON ON SUNDAY, 3/23/2025. You do not need the support material, but, it will still be written but probably not until Friday, 3/21/25.
      This page has support material support material for Ch 3 & Ch 4 having to do with TI calculator use and probabilities. It is not necessary, just perhaps useful. But, the page will not be done until tomorrow.
Go with confidence.   Stay safe, A2

Fri, 3/21, TEST 3: Chapters 3 & 4 (20%)

Mon, 2/24
3.1 Terminology
experiments, sample spaces, axioms of probability, EVENT, Law of Large Numbers, OR, union of outcomes, AND, intersection of outcomes, complement, conditional probability
3.2 Independent & Mutually Exclusive Events
independent events, sampling with and without replacement, probabilities using complements, Determine if events are independent and/or mutually exclusive
Wed, 2/26
3.3 Two Basic Rules of Probability
Find probabilities using the Multiplication Rule & Addition Rule
3.4 Contingency Tables
Construct two-way tables for multivariate data, Use contingency tables to find conditional and marginal probabilities
Mon, 3/3
3.5 Tree and Venn Diagrams
a) Create Tree and Venn Diagrams to represent a sample space and aid to find probabilities
Wed, 3/5
4.1 Probability Distribution Function for a Discrete Random Variable
Identify the characteristics of a discrete pdf
4.2 Mean or Expected Value and Standard Deviation
Calculate and interpret the expected value of a discrete random variable
Mon, 3/17
4.3 Binomial Distribution
Identify the characteristics of binomial experiment and use these to solve applied probability problems
construct a bar chart for probabilities of a Binomial random variable (Lab 5)
Wed, 3/19
Use technology to compute probabilities
Recap chapter 3,4 material

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© 3/21/2025, A2, Agnes Azzolino mathnstuff.com/math/stat/23sp25.14.5.htm