
      MAT123 Spring 2025 Notes

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A Deck of Playing Cards
      Once upon a time, in 1968, I took probability in college. Many of the male students in the class spent their out of class time in the basement of the student center playing cards. I spent my time in the backstage area of the theatre in the same building, building sets, using power tools, teaching theatre majors how to construct sets. I did not know how to play cards. This lack of experience in playing cards made it difficult in statistics when the prof spoke of the p(4A), the probability of getting 4 aces in a hand, or getting a straight or flush. I knew what aces were but not what a straight or flush was.
      In my early days teaching at MCC, in the early 1980s, I taught statistics without having taken a statistics course in college. So, ... asquared at MCC
      Today I present to you a deck of cards and suggest that the knowledger of a straight or flush might be a good thing to have in your background knowledge even though I will not discuss these topics here.
Go with confidence.   Stay safe, A2

Mon, 2/24, 3.1, 3.2
3.1 Terminology
a) experiments, sample spaces and axioms of probability
b) EVENT as a subset of the sample space
c) Law of Large Numbers (Lab 4)
d) Discuss an OR events as a union of outcomes
e) Discuss an AND events as the intersection of outcomes
f) Discuss complement of an event
g) Define conditional probability
3.2 Independent and Mutually Exclusive Events
a) Define independent events
b) Discuss sampling with and without replacement
c) Find probabilities using complements
d) Determine if events are independent and/or mutually exclusive
Both the TI and Excel are needed for Friday's Lab

Basic Vocabulary
experiment -- an action that is performed
event -- a result of an experiment or action, an outcome
outcome -- a result of an experiment or action, an event
sample space -- the set of all possible outcomes/results/events of an experiment
independent event - uninfluenced, stand alone, the result of one stage or trial has no effect on another stage or trial.
    ex. Raw sample data - the number of heads when 3 coins are flipped.
        The result of each flip, or trial, is not influenced by the other flips.
dependent event - having an influence on other stages or trials, the result of one stage of the collection of raw data,
        has an effect on another stage.
    ex. Raw sample data - the names of a president and vice president of a club with 4 members.
        One officer must be picked at a time or you would not know which officer was which.
        For instance: There are 4 choices for president, but only 3 choices for vp.
        The result of the first stage influences the second stage.

with replacement - restore the original conditions after each trial. A after a trial or stage, the setting is restored to the original setting before beginning the next trial or stage.
    ex. Raw sample data - draw a card from a deck, replace the card in the deck, draw a card from the deck. The 2 draws are independent. The replacement made each draw have the same outcomes.
without replacement - do not restore the original conditions after each trial, use the new conditions.
    ex. Raw sample data - draw a card from a deck, draw a 2nd card from the deck.
probability of an event -- P(event), or p(event)
    ex. p(A), the probability of event A
    ex. p(head), the probability of obtaining a head
    ex. p(x=3), the probability the variable is 3 or the probability of the number 3 occuring, or the probability of obtaining a 3.
probability of an event, P(event) = f/n,
(frequency of the event)
P(event) =
(number of events in the sample space)
      The lowest possible probability an outcome might have is 0.
            If P(event)=0, the event can not happen.
      The highest possible probability an outcome might have is 1.
            If P(event)=1, the even does happen.
      Probabilities range between 0 and 1, inclusive.
            0 < P(event) < 1.
      The sum of all the probabilities for an experiment is 1.
    ex. Experiment: flip a fair coin.
            P(head) + P(tail) = 1
    ex. Experiment: flip a weighted coin.
            P(head) + P(tail) = 1
    ex. Experiment: pick a day of the week.
            p(Sunday) + p(Monday) + ... + p(Saturday) = 7/7 = 1
    ex. Experiment: pick a day of the week
            p(January) = 0

Probability in Words, & Symbols, & Computation
Words Symbols Computation

an event , EVENT E

probability of event P(EVENT) P(event) = f/n,
(frequency of the event)
P(event) =
(number of events in the sample space)

probability of event A P(A) P(A) = f/n,
(frequency of the event A)
P(A) =
(number of events in the sample space)

probability of event B P(B) P(B) = f/n,
(frequency of the event B)
P(event) =
(number of events in the sample space)

probability of either event A occurring or event B occurring
or both happening
-- OR as in a union of outcomes
If A and B are mutually exclusive events, then
    P(A OR B) = P(A) + P(B), because P(A AND B)= 0
P(A OR B) P(A OR B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A AND B)

probability of both event A and event B occurring
-- AND as in the intersection of outcomes
P(A AND B) P(A and B) = P(A)P(B)

probability of event A happening given that even B has happened         P(A GIVEN B) or P(A|B)         P(A|B) = P(A AND B)/P(B)

probability of event B happening given that event A has happened P(B GIVEN A) or P(B|A) P(B|A) = P(A AND B)/P(A)

probability of A times the probability of B P(A)P(B)

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