Your title:
Question # 1a. Recall Quiz 1 Middlesex County Real Estate for Sale
1b. Though not an appropriate statistical procedure, select 10 properties from the blue headed table and
paste a copy into the table with the green header.
Pick properties of your choice. Use select then control+C to copy, the Control + V to paste where desired
Question # 2 Which factor has the most influence over list price, if you can tell:
2a. location, location, location (municipality) 2b. number of bathrooms
2c. number of bedrooms 2d. lot/property size
Question # 3 What factors other than those in the chart of data might influence list price?
Question # 4 Scatter-plots require both the x and the y to be numbers -- catagories cannot be used. See at right.
What numbers might one use for a variable to measure location rather than the category municipality?
Asked a different way, what features about a municipality might be measured by a number?
Question # 5a. What's the average price of a house in the properties you chose?
To do this paste the list price from your table in question 1 into the x column.
5b. Do a screen capture of the completed material below and paste it on this page for now.
Question # 6a. Construct a scatter-plot for how the number of bedrooms influence the list price.
6b. Draw the least squares regression line.
6c. Use the least squares regression line, y-hat, to determine the predicted cost of a
4-bedroom house in your sample of 10 properties.
6d. Plot the point (4, y-hat(4) )and see how it places on the regression line.
6e.Do a screen capture of everythhing between the gray rows and PASTE THE SCREEN
Question # 7a. Construct a scatter-plot for how the number of bathrooms influence the list price.
7b. Draw the least squares regression line.
7c. Use the least squares regression line, y-hat, to determine the predicted cost of a 3-bathroom house
in your sample of 10 properties.
7d. Plot the point (3, y-hat(3) )and see how it places on the regression line.
7e. Do a screen capture of everythhing between the gray rows and PASTE THE SCREEN
Question # 8, 9 Question 2 asked about "most influence." Questions 6 & 7 provided the computation
to answer this question with respect to bathroom and bedroom numbers.
8. Use the info in the pink and blue boxes and the correlation coefficient and coefficient of
determination to determine statistically which has the "most influence."
9. Write a sentence or two to state and explain your answer based on question 8 answer
and your results for questions 6 & 7.
# 2 Which factor has the most influence over list price, if you can tell:
2a. location, location, location (municipality) 2b. number of bathrooms
2c. number of bedrooms 2d. lot/property size
Question # 10 The phrase "considerably above average" is used in conjunction with z-scores and stanines.
Using the number of bedrooms data, what range of prices (x data) should one expect to pay,
if the property were available, to purchase a property considered "considerably above average?"
Your lab is to
1st: Read the questions.
2nd: Watch the
Lab 3 video and use the
stat123sp25.B.xls spreadsheet.
3rd: Request an office hour if you need one and request it.
4th: Claim the work as yours by writing in your file a statement like:
Lab3.(.c.) where xxx is the file extension like xls or pdf.
5th: Renamed as: ###.First.Last.Lab3.xls
6th: Submit your edited, renamed spreadsheet as an email attachment to or by Friday, Feb. 28, 2025 at 11:59 pm. |