
      MAT123 Spring 2025 Notes

Mon, 2/3, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7
2.5 Measures of the Center of the Data
a) Distinguish notations for population and sample statistics
b) Discuss Law of Large Numbers
2.6 Skewness and the Mean, Median, and Mode
a) Discuss symmetry and skewness in data
2.7 Measures of the Spread of the Data
a) Use software to calculate and interpret measures of dispersion (Lab 2)
b) Calculate z-scores for data
c) Apply the Empirical Rule and Chebyshev’s Inequality to data 3

Comments ...

Center & Spread
      From a middle school introduction to statistics, a student is coached on the computation of an average, mean, mode, and median as a measures of the center. asquared at MCC
      Now consider an average as "a one number representation" of the entire sample or population.
      In middle school, range was the measure of how the set of numbers spreads out -- the difference between the highest and lowest -- a difference of the most extreme data points.
      In more recent years, middle school statistics focused more on discrete data representation -- quartiles, inner quartile range.
      Now consider spread in more specific ways. Here's a pdf of this "page" or view the video of "Center & Spread" , and a Basic TI83/84 Calculator Use Video
Go with confidence.   Stay safe, A2
New Words, New Symbols

    Two very useful formulas make it easy to translate x scores into z scores or z into x. Below the calculators do the work for you. Use the percent images above and mental computation or the calculators to answer the questions below the calculators.

Compute x or z
Complete the computation by entering the values and pressing the buttons.
Enter negative two as "-2."
x = +()()

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