- Day #, Chapter.Section Text Page & Content/Topic
- 1 2.1, 2.2
- 2.1 The Rectangular Coordinate Systems and Graphs, pg. 74
- coord sys @ 74, plot @ 76, TI graph @ 78, intercepts @ 79, distance @ 80, midpoint @ 82, circle @ 83, exercises @ 84
- plot, graph
Cartesian -- definition and analytic history web page
"What's A Graph?"
- compute
distance.gsp -- start w/a segment, coordinatize it, build triangle, use Pythagorean Theorem to find distance
fx & ops - midpoint, slope, distance, ...
- circles, distance formula, tangents, normals
1 drag center & radius 2 create equation 2 enter h, k, r
3 input coord, m=, line=, perp= 4 slide, write tangent & normal
just circleFormula -- writes the formula for the depicted circle
just circleTangent -- writes the tangent to a given circle
trace -- creates point defined by an x-intercept and a calculated value for y of point
then traces the path of the point controlled by the x-intercept
- 2.2 Linear Equations in One Variable, pg. 87
- lines @ 88, solve linear equ. @ 88, solve rational (fraction equation @ 89, Solving Rational Equations with a Binomial in the Denominator @ 91,
- slope @ 83, write equ of lines @ 94, parallel, perpendicular @ 96, exercises @ 100
- lines
LINES -- Notes, Discussion, Activities

Line Vocabulary

line.gsp -- slide points A and B and generate equation of the line in 4 forms.
-- line segment by dragging & by coordinates, midpoint, distance formula, point-slope equation, perpendicular, parallel lines
-- slide points A and B and generate equation of the line in 4 forms.
-- computes slopes and writes lines by sliding and by parameters
1 - drag segment endpoints to compute midpoint and distance 2 - show how the distance formula computes
3 - find a perpendicular w/input coordinates 4 - find parallel w/input coordinates
linear.xls for: graphs, slope
solve equ w/solver -- find x-intercepts
solve graphically
equations of lines .htm
fx & ops .htm - midpoint, slope, distance, ...
- circles, distance formula, tangents, normals
1 drag center & radius 2 create equation 2 enter h, k, r
3 input coord, m=, line=, perp= 4 slide, write tangent & normal
- Distance Formula, Midpoint Formula, Circles, Solving equations graphically
- 2 2.5, 2.6
- 2.5 Quadratic Equations, pg. 119
Graphing, Functions
Basic Functions
Function Sketchpads
reciprocal gsp, 1/x, etc. -- reciprocal functions
absolute value gsp -- |x|, functions controlled by parameters and NOT controlled by parameters
-- 1,2 graphed functions, piece-wise, composite ready to edit, link to "coordinate" and more history, table of f(x) gps files
graphs gsp -- 1 or 2 graphed functions ready to edit
squaring gsp, parabola -- Multi page: 2 parabolas: 1 in general form, 1 in standard forms, ...
square root gsp -- 2 square root functions defined by easy-edit parameters
piece-wise gsp -- graphs a piecewise defined function when left function and right function
absValu.gsp -- 2 absolute value functions controlled by parameters
greatest integer function gsp, [[x]] -- also a[[bx+c]] + k
reciprocal functions -- graph of parameter-defined reciprocal function,
* with slide-able tangent line,
composite functions gsp -- build 2 functions using other functions
inverse gsp -- take an inverse of an invertable fdunction, horizontal & vertical line tests
parentFX gsp -- function "manipulatives"
parentFX2 gsp> -- revised function "manipulatives"
2.6 Other Types of Equations -- Solving Equations Algebraically, pg. 131
3 2.7
2.7 Linear Inequalities and Absolute Value Inequalities -- Solving Quadratic and Rational inequalities, pg. 142
quadratic.xls- Enter h, k, and a to generate general form and x-intercepts.
- Multiply 2 binomials to find the product, vertex, discriminant.
- Solve a quadratic equation by entering the required constants and coefficients.
- Write general form in quadratic form.
composite, polynomial, rational functions
quadratic formula
4 3.1-3.3, 4.1
3.1 Functions and Function Notation, pg. 160
3.2 Domain and Range, pg. 180
3.3 Rates of Change and Behavior of Graphs, pg. 196
4.1 Review of slopes and functions, pg. 280
ssong.gsp -- slope from history, to sound, to words & numbers, through examples, to computation
0 - toc, history
1 - only 1 function
2 - parabola w/tangent line
3 - cubic w/tangent line
4 - polynomial
5 - rational
6 - compute slope drag 2 points
7 - dy/dx by definition
8 - m= given A, B
9 - 3 points define a parabola
10 - notes on 3 points define a parabola
-- 1,2 graphed functions, piece-wise, composite ready to edit, link to "coordinate" and more history, table of f(x) gps files
Cartesian -- definition and analytic history web page
ssong.gsp -- slope from history, to sound, to words & numbers, through examples, to computation
0 - toc, history
1 - only 1 function
2 - parabola w/tangent line
3 - cubic w/tangent line
4 - polynomial
5 - rational
6 - compute slope drag 2 points
7 - dy/dx by definition
8 - m= given A, B
9 - 3 points define a parabola
10 - notes on 3 points define a parabola
5 TEST#1 (10% of course grade and covers sections 2.1,2.2,2.5,2.6,, 4.1)
5 3.5
3.5 Transformation of Functions - Graphing functions; Shifting, Reflecting, Stretching and Shrinking graphs, pg. 222
6 3.4, 3.7
3.4 Composition of Functions, pg. 209
0 - vertical, horizontal line tests
1 - square root fx
2 - any function
3 - sqrt fx by parameters
4 - restricted domain on inverse
5 - arcsine
6 - arctangent
7 - f and inverse
8 - f, inverse, tangents --
compositeFX.gsp --
parabola.gsp --
0 - graph of 1 function
1 - graphs of 2 functions
2 - composite of 4 functions
3 - polynomial. links to polynomial, dilations gif, quatratic.htm, equation, discriminant
4 - rational, rational function features & how to find them
5 - end behavior, battle of (Ax^m)/(Bx^n)
compositeFX.gsp -- build 2 functions using other functions
inverse.gsp -- take an inverse of an invertable fdunction, horizontal & vertical line tests
3.7 Inverse Functions, pg. 254
compositeFX.gsp -- build 2 functions using other functions
parabola -- Multi page: 2 parabolas: 1 in general form, 1 in standard forms
TracePoly -- drag point f(x) to state and show new ( x, f(x))
inverse gsp -- take an inverse of an invertable fdunction, horizontal & vertical line tests
Composition of Functions
Dilation notes
Dilation creates functions
dilation by a constant animation
composite functions -- build 2 functions using other functions
inverse gsp -- take an inverse of an invertable fdunction, horizontal & vertical line tests, restricted domain on inverse, arcsine, arctan
compositeFX.gsp --
parabola.gsp --
0 - graph of 1 function
1 - graphs of 2 functions
2 - composite of 4 functions
3 - polynomial. links to polynomial, dilations gif, quatratic.htm, equation, discriminant
4 - rational, rational function features & how to find them
5 - end behavior, battle of (Ax^m)/(Bx^n)
7 3.4, 3.5, 3.7
3.4 Composition of Functions, pg. 209
3.5 Transformation of Functions, pg. 222
3.7 Inverse Functions, pg. 254
8 Test #2 (10% of course grade and covers sections 3.4, 3.5, 3.7)
8 5.1, 5.2
5.1 Quadratic Functions, pg. 344
5.2 Power Functions and Polynomial Functions, pg. 360
quadratic formula
9 5.3, 5.4, 5.5
5.3 Graphs of Polynomial Functions, pg. 375
5.4 Dividing Polynomials, pg. 393
5.5 Zeros of Polynomial Functions, pg. 402
Polynomial functions notes
- Graph a polynomial defined by degrees and coefficients.
y= anxn + an -1xn -1 + an - 2xn -2 + an - 3xn -3 + an - 4xn - 4 + an - 5xn - 5 + an-6xn - 6 + an -7xn -7
- Graph a polynomial displayed in factored form.
y = A(x - b)B(x - c)C(x - d)D
- Synthetically divide and then view the quotient polynomial and remainder.
Divide (anxn + an -1xn -1 + an - 2xn -2 + an - 3xn -3 + an - 4xn - 4 + an - 5xn - 5 + an-6xn - 6 + an -7xn -7) รท (x-c)
- Solves linear or quadratic equations. Multiplies 2 binomials or 3 binomials.
parabola -- Multi page: 2 parabolas: 1 in general form, 1 in standard forms,
* both generated by equations defined by parameters.
* graphs of 2 parabolas: 1 in general form, 1 in standard forms,
* 1 parabola, set a, then generat parabola w/2 points.
* 1 parabola controlled by 3 points, used for determinant analysis
* 1 vertical axis of symmetry, 1 horizontal "axis of symmetry
TracePoly -- drag point f(x) to state and show new ( x, f(x))
recipfx -- graph of parameter-defined reciprocal function,
* with slide-able tangent line,
- 10 5.6
- 5.6 Rational Functions: Asymptotes and Graphing, pg. 414
- Graph and table of (Axm)/(Bxn)
Watch the power of the top or bottom equal or dominate the other.
Examine hoirzontal asymptotes or infinite increase or decrease.
Think endbehavior and explore.
- Graph and table of rational function, polynomial A(x) divided by B(x).
Examine asymptotes.
Examine the role of factors A(x) and 1/B(x).
- Graph and table of rational functions written as A(x) / B(x) + C(x)
Really play with C(x), the asymptote
- Complete synthetic division and rewrite of quotient and remainder.
- 11 twice 6.1-6.4 (Two-Days)
- 6.1 Exponential Functions, pg. 464
- 6.2 Graphs of Exponential Functions, pg. 479
- 6.3 Logarithmic Functions, pg. 491
- 6.4 Graphs of Logarithmic Functions, pg. 499
logs -- Multi page: 2 logs, log w/exponential
- Compute yearly, semiyearly, quarterly, monthly, daily, and every minute given initial principal, rate, and time.
- Solve for P, P0, r, t, but not n, for instantaneous and non-instantaneous interest.
- Graph two exponential curves w/user entry of parameters.
- 12 6.5,6.6
- 6.5 Logarithmic Properties, pg. 516
- 6.6 Exponential and Logarithmic Equations, pg. 526
- 13 6.7
- 6.7 Growth and Decay Applications -- Exponential and Logarithmic Models, pg. 537
- 14 There is no day 14.
- 15 Test #3 (20% of course grade and covers sections 5.1-5.6, 6.1-6.7)
- 16 7.1
- 7.1 Angles and their measures, pg. 576
complsuppl -- just complementary & supplementary angles
1 standard position angle central angle, negative & positive angle measures
2 angles coterminal?
1 intro angles degrees radians
2 radian questions
3 arc length angular speed sector area
4 sector and area
1 - 1 standard position angle
2 - angles coterminal?
3 - 1 veronica angles -- trig fx of angles is 4 quadrants
4 - 2 veronica angles
5 - extra 2 veronica angles
elevation.gsp - angle of elevation, depression, ladders w/h(x), y(x), and h(y), x(y), and h as variable, and h s a constant
complsuppl -- just complementary & supplementary angles
cosplay -- just right triangle cosine
sinplay -- just right triangle sine
tanplay -- just right triangle cosine
NewCentral -- An angle in standard position.
1 standard position angle central angle, negative & positive angle measures
2 angles coterminal?
1 intro angles degrees radians
2 radian questions
3 arc length angular speed sector area
4 sector and area
1 - 1 standard position angle
2 - angles coterminal?
3 - 1 veronica angles -- trig fx of angles is 4 quadrants
4 - 2 veronica angles
5 - extra 2 veronica angles
elevation.gsp - angle of elevation, depression, ladders w/h(x), y(x), and h(y), x(y), and h as variable, and h s a constant
- 17 7.2
- 7.2 Right Triangle Trigonometry, pg. 593
2TrigGraphs.gsp -- 1 blank function, 1 parameter-driven function on a "trig plane"
sinplay -- just right triangle sine
cosplay -- just right triangle cosine
tanplay -- just right triangle tangent
TraceSin -- drag point f(x) to state and show new ( x, f(x))
TraceCos -- drag point f(x) to state and show new ( x, f(x))
TraceTan -- just graph with a slideable point to display coordinates
SinCosTan1stDay -- Just sine, cosine, tangent of right triangle angles.
SinCosTan6fx -- All 6 functions in right triangle only.
SinCosTanAllNumbers -- All 6 functions in right triangle and forall numbers,
* controlled by figure for right triangle,
* parameter-defined angle measure in degrees for all measures, and
* parameter-defined angle measure in decimal number times pi for radian measures
sinNcos.gsp -- sine and cosine in right triangle only
2 Sine Functions -- Asin(Bx-C) + D on 2 functions for comparison also h(x) = sine + cosine
- 18 7.3
- 7.3 Trigonometric Functions of any angle -- Unit Circle, pg. 604
- 19 8.1,8.2
- 8.1 Graphs of the Sine and Cosine Functions, pg. 642
- 8.2 Graphs of the Other Trigonometric Functions, pg. 659
- Graphs y=Asin(Bx-C) +D, where A, B, C, D are input values.
- Scatter-Plots y=Atan(Bx-C)+D, where A, B, C, D are input values.
- Graphs two sine functions where A, B, C, D are input values.
- Graphs one sine function and one cosine function where where A, B, C, D are input values.
- 20 8.3
- 8.3 Inverse Trigonometric Functions & Their Applications, pg. 677
- 21 9.1
- 9.1 Using, Solving, and Verifying Trigonometric Identities, pg. 696
- 22 9.5
- 9.5 Solving Trigonometric Equations, pg. 739
- Solve a right triangle.
- Solve a 45-45-90 triangle.
Input leg a. Seek a leg and hypotenuse.
Input side c. Seek two legs.
- Solve a 30-60-90 triangle.
Input leg a. Seek a leg and hypotenuse.
Input leg b. Seek a leg and hypotenuse.
Input side c. Seek the hypotenuse.
- Use Pythagorean Theorem and arithmetic and basic trig.
Input leg a and leg b. Seek the hypotenuse and the angles.
Input hypotenuse c and leg a. Seek a leg and the angles.
Input angle A and side a. Seek a leg, side, and hypotenuse.
- Solve any triangle.
Use the Sine Law, if a side and the opposite angle are given.
Input angles A , B, side a. Seek two sides and an angle.
Input angle A , side a, side b. Seek two angles and a side.
- Use the Law of Cosines.
Input sides a, b, c. Seek each angle.
Input angle A , sides b,c. Seek no solution, 1 solution, or 2 solutions.
- 23 9.2,9.3,9.4
- 9.2 Sum and Difference Identities, pg. 706
- 9.3 Double-Angle, Half-Angle, and Reduction Formulas, pg. 720
- 9.4 Sum-to-Product and Product-to-Sum Formulas, pg. 732
- 24 GREEN -- 7.1-7.3, 8.1-8.3, 9.1-9.5 Review & Catch Up
- 25 Twice 10.1, 10.2
- 10.1 Non-right Triangles: Law of Sines, pg. 762
- 10.2 Non-right Triangles: Law of Cosines, pg. 776
- 26 Test #4 (20% of course grade and covers sections 7.1-7.3, 8.1-8.3, 9.1-9.5, 10.1, 10.2)
- 27 Review & Probable Course Grades
- 28 Final Exam (20% of course grade and covers entire course)
- 0 Calculator
- calculator
Calcu1: Change Mode, Store Number, Evaluate Expression .gif
Calcu2: Zooming Feature .htm
Calcu3: Calculator Solve (web page)
Calcu4: Solve an Equation w/Solver .gif (image)
Calcu5: Create a Program to Compute .gif
Calcu6: Create CHEAT Program .gif
Calcu7: Create SLOPE Program .gif
Calcu8: Character & PRGM Menu .gif
| |
To better see the big picture of the kinds of solutions to a quadratic equation, see
"I Got Your Number". To learn of the evolution of numbers, read
"Imaginary Numbers Are Not Imaginary."
-- solves all ax² + bx + c = 0, but, there are different kinds of answers (easily identified by the
discriminant). The kinds of answers are:
- a + bi, where a is not 0, b is not 0, where i² = -1
- a + bi, where a is 0, b is not 0, where i² = -1 -- These are pure
- a + bi, where a is not 0, b is 0, where i² = -1 -- These are pure
-- solves x² - 4 = 0. There are two kinds of real numbers:
-- solves x² = 3, NON-FRACTIONS, a non-repeating, non-terminating decimal number
-- solves x² = 4, FRACTIONS, a repeating, terminating decimal number. There are two kinds of rational numbers:
- MIXED NUMBER - a rational number in which the
denominator DOES NOT evenly divides the
-- solves x + 4 = 3, a number in which the denominatore DOES evenly divide the numerator, a whole number or the opposite of a whole number.
-- solves x + 4 = 4. The NATURAL NUMBERS and also ZERO.
NATURAL NUMBER -- the COUNTING NUMBERS, solves x + 4 = 6
More Extra Stuff
table -- build and edit a table of data
- Examine Pythagorean Triangles -- triangles with "nice" sides, generated because:
If p > q,
then p and q may be used to generate the right triangle with
leg a = p2 - q2,
leg b = 2pq, and hypotenuse c = p2 + q2.
Includes Heronian Triangles
Pythagorean Triples
Heronian Triangles -- 2 right triangles butted up together and sharing a common side.
for all x, generate triples
for all even x, generate triples Heronian triangles are a pair of right triangles with a "shared side."
tiles.xls -- for the parent, teacher, professional educator contains ALL "manipulative graphics" and active hot cells.
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