Sketch Pads -- Dynamic Analytic Geometry | Functions, Lines
2graphs.gsp -- 2 graphed functions ready to edit
absValu.gsp -- 2 absolute value functions controlled by parameters
sqrt -- 2 square root functions defined by easy-edit parameters
line -- slide points A and B and generate equation of the line in 4 forms.
[[x]].gsp -- greatest integer function, also a[[bx+c]] + k
parentFX -- function "manipulatives" -- curve shift to graph functions, many functions provided
compositeFX.gsp -- build 2 functions using other functions
inverse.gsp -- take an inverse of an invertable fdunction, horizontal & vertical line tests
Circles, Tangents to a Circle
distance -- start w/a segment, coordinatize it, build triangle, use Pythagorean Theorem to find distance
circleFormula -- writes the formula for the depicted circle
circleTangent -- writes the tangent to a given circle
GraphGivenCircle -- Graph a circle by graphing + and - functions defined by parameters.
* Also states equation of circle.
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