MAT129 Fall 2024 Notes

Wednesday, October 16	Topics:	6.1-6.4		
This Class Notes:	10.16.a, log con-dots, 10.16.b, exponent con-dots, 10.16.c, simplify con-dots, 10.16.d, exponent laws, 10.16.e, blank 1 graph paper, 10.16.f blank 2 graph paper, 10.16.g
Next Class Notes:	10.21a, 10.21b, 10.21c, 10.21d
6.1  - Exponential Functions, pg. 464,  Learning Objectives
	* Evaluate exponential functions.
	* Find the equation of an exponential function.
	* Use compound interest formulas.
	* Evaluate exponential functions with base e.
6.2  - Graphs of Exponential Functions, pg. 479,  Learning Objectives
	* Graph exponential functions.
	* Graph exponential functions using transformations.
6.3  - Logarithmic Functions, pg. 491,  Learning Objectives
	* Convert from logarithmic to exponential form.
	* Convert from exponential to logarithmic form.
	* Evaluate logarithms.
	* Use common logarithms.
	* Use natural logarithms.
6.4  - Graphs of Logarithmic Functions, pg. 499,  Learning Objectives
	* Identify the domain of a logarithmic function.
	* Graph logarithmic functions.

Log & Exponential Functions

This Class
6.1 Exponential Functions, pg. 464
6.2 Graphs of Exponential Functions, pg. 479
6.3 Logarithmic Functions, pg. 491
6.4 Graphs of Logarithmic Functions, pg. 499
Next class
    6.5, 6.6
6.5 Logarithmic Properties, pg. 516
6.6 Exponential and Logarithmic Equations, pg. 526
6.7 Growth and Decay Applications -- Exponential and Logarithmic Models, pg. 537
Exponent & Log Laws
Function Library
Exponential or Power Functions    
A Bit about e, the base of the Natural Logs    
Linear vs Exponential Growth
Compounding - Growing Discretely, WHY THE FORMULA P(t) = P0(1 + r/n)nt
Even More About e, the base of the Natural Logs    
Questions on exponents and logs:
      graphing exponentials
      Solving exponential equations
Exponential and Natural Log Are Inverse Functions
Logs without Feeling Out on A Limb Table of Contents Page
Log Graph Papers
Who Has? Exponential
Logarithm Connect-the-Dots web page, pdf, 10.16.a, log con-dots
Exponent Connect-the-Dots web page, pdf, 10.16.b, exponent con-dots
Expand or simplify the log web page, pdf, 10.16.c, simplify con-dots home
Forms Web Pages -- Dynamic Computation
spread sheet notes
Spread Sheets -- Dynamic Computation
  • exp.xls -- compound & continuous interest, logistic curve, Gaussian (Normal Statistical curve), ...
Sketch Pads -- Dynamic Analytic Geometry
    Transendentals, Exponentials, Logs
  • 2graphs.gsp  -- 2 graphed functions ready to edit
  • logs -- 1 - ln(x), e^x, y=x for inverse, 2 - 2 graphs, 3 - a(base)^(bx-c)+d, 4 -e by area under 1/x
  • Dere2x -- Derivative of the exponential
  • Derlnx -- Derivative of the Natural Log
  • e2xSums -- The Antiderivative of ex

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