MAT129 Fall 2024 Notes

Monday   October  21	Topics:	6.5, 6.6, 6.7		
Last Class Notes:	10.16.a, log con-dots, 10.16.b, exponent con-dots, 10.16.c, simplify con-dots, 
       10.16.d, exponent laws, 10.16.e, blank 1 graph paper, 10.16.f blank 2 graph paper, 10.16.g
This Class Notes:	10.21.a, 10.21.b, 10.21.c, 10.21.d
6.5  - Logarithmic Properties, pg. 516,  Learning Objectives
	* Use the product rule for logarithms.
	* Use the quotient rule for logarithms.
	* Use the power rule for logarithms.
	* Expand logarithmic expressions.
	* Condense logarithmic expressions.
	* Use the change-of-base formula for logarithms.
6.6  - Exponential and Logarithmic Equations, pg. 526,  Learning Objectives
	* Use like bases to solve exponential equations.
	* Use logarithms to solve exponential equations.
	* Use the definition of a logarithm to solve logarithmic equations.
	* Use the one-to-one property of logarithms to solve logarithmic equations.
	* Solve applied problems involving exponential and logarithmic equations.
6.7  - Growth and Decay Applications -- Exponential and Logarithmic Models, pg. 537,  Learning Objectives
	* Model exponential growth and decay.
	* Use Newton’s Law of Cooling.
	* Use logistic-growth models.
	* Choose an appropriate model for data.
	* Express an exponential model in base e.

Last Class
6.1 Exponential Functions, pg. 464
6.2 Graphs of Exponential Functions, pg. 479
6.3 Logarithmic Functions, pg. 491
6.4 Graphs of Logarithmic Functions, pg. 499
This class
    6.5, 6.6
6.5 Logarithmic Properties, pg. 516
6.6 Exponential and Logarithmic Equations, pg. 526
6.7 Growth and Decay Applications -- Exponential and Logarithmic Models, pg. 537
Exponent & Log Laws
Function Library
Exponential or Power Functions
A Bit about e, the base of the Natural Logs
Linear vs Exponential Growth
Compounding - Growing Discretely, WHY THE FORMULA P(t) = P0(1 + r/n)nt
Even More About e, the base of the Natural Logs Page
Qu. graphing exponentials page
Qu. Solving exponential equations page
Exponential and Natural Log Are Inverse Functions Page
Logs without Feeling Out on A Limb Table of Contents Page
A Program/Web Page which Permits One to "Solve" for e
Linear vs Exponential Growth Page
Parent Functions, Their Slope Functions, and Area Functions Page
logs.gsp -- 1 - ln(x), e^x, y=x for inverse, 2 - 2 graphs, 3 - a(base)^(bx-c)+d, 4 -e by area under 1/x
exp.xls -- compound & continuous interest, logistic curve, Gaussian (Normal Statistical curve), ...
* Compute yearly, semiyearly, quarterly, monthly, daily, and every minute given initial principal, rate, and time.
* Solve for P, P0, r, t, but not n, for instantaneous and non-instantaneous interest.
* Graph two exponential curves w/user entry of parameters.
  • 2graphs.gsp  -- 2 graphed functions ready to edit
  • logs.gsp   -- Multi page: 2 logs, log w/exponential
  • Log Graph Papers
    Who Has? Exponential
    PRINT: Logarithm Connect-the-Dots web page, pdf, 10.16.a, log con-dots
    PRINT: Exponent Connect-the-Dots web page, pdf, 10.16.b, exponent con-dots
    PRINT: Expand or simplify the log web page, pdf, 10.16.c, simplify con-dots
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