Design A Task or Adventures For Yourself.
Use the
Spread Sheet Index and
Lessons to
- Learn basic cell, row, column information.
- Learn formula creation and self-computing sheets.
Learn to create a table, graph.
- Create self-computing invoice for fund raisers, algebra assignments, and garage sales.
- Build self-computing worksheets and answer keys.
Use HOT STUFF, the
Algebra, Precalc, and Math Spread Sheets to
- See where a few years of experimentation with the above can take you.
- Write a test and answer key.
- Design a sheet for NOTES on lessons -- readied before class, used in class, used to reveiw as a rereun of the last class or
before a test or exam.
- Design a lesson complete with objectives, warmups, lecture, "hot" problems, and debriefing.
- Paste and edit a sheet to create a lab.
- Experiment
with (x+2)/(x² -x) vs. (x+3)/(x² -x) vs. (x+5)/(x² -x)
with (x3+x+5)/(2x2) vs. (x+5)/(x3+2x2)