Think of a math file cabinet endowed with the properties of Mary Poppin's magic carpet
bag -- good stuff ready for preplanned or impromptu use. It includes class notes, preplanned lessons,
animations, Sketchpad stuff, spreadsheets, assignments, thousands of graphics, a dictionary, cheat sheets,
old quizzes and tests, announcements, documents, a platform for displaying student work, and,
it's a mouse-click away for students’ and colleagues’ use as well. It is www.mathnstuff.com and this
presentation is a guided tour of some of it.
- Begin by playing a "Who Has Game."
- Progress through the presentation and links posted on a web page.
- Include samples of graphics, animations, cheat sheets, manipulatives, "digital manipulatives," games, puzzles, assignments, labs.
- End by singing the "Three Times Tables."
The presentation includes audience participation in leader-conducted activities
supplemented by lecture.
The audience would gain an unusual and rich perspective on teaching math and
hopefully be the motivation to continue to their own grow and experimentation as teachers.