
      MAT123 Spring 2025 Notes

Fri, 1/31, Do NOT begin TEST 1, on Chapters 1, 2.1 - 2.4 (10%),
until you have examined the content of the page below the Comments Message!

Test 1   
TEST 1 Random Number Generator:

Comments ...

Your First Test
      Usually on Thursday afternoon or night I post a new Friday assignment/text/quiz. Your Test 1 is link above in red .
      The notes listed below this message might be helpful and the random number generator is necessary for the test.
      Tests grades are posted in Canvas as a percent but computed at the end of the semester as outlined on the grading and cheating page. Friday's test is worth 10% of the course grade.
      The test is a pdf. Please print it and put your answers on the test, then scanned or saved as a file named ###.first.last.T1 and .gif or .pdf or some other extension then mailed to yellow@mathnstuff.com or green@mathnstuff.com as attachments.
      This time your work must be submitted by SATURDAY night at 11:59 pm.
      This is a reminder that this is an OPEN BOOK test and you are encouraged to use your notes or class notes or your textbook or a web resource BUT NOT ANOTHER PERSON. Cheat sheets and free software are listed at the far right.
      By now you should have done the odd exercises in the textbook and checked answers listed in the back of the book. asquared at MCC
      For next Friday's work you will need both a working Excel for spreadsheet work and a working TI calculator.
Go with confidence.   Stay safe, A2

Discrete Vs. Continuous

- only certain numbers are used over the desired interval.  You might have data that are integers: numbers like -3, 0, -10, 4, 6, 10, 11, or natural (counting) numbers: numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
Press the button to generate an example.
· the length of fish, measured to the nearest half inch (whole numbers and halves only)
· a number of things, as in how many nickels there are in a jar (whole numbers)
· a shoe size, as in 8, 8 1/2, 9, 9 1/2
· a grade in school, as in: 1st, 2nd, 3rd
· a night's win (+) or loss (-) in dollar bets (integers)
- all numbers are used over the desired interval.   You might have data that are real numbers on a range 0 < x < 6: numbers like 4.387, .58, 5.55555... or you might have real numbers from -3 to 5.
Press the button to generate an example.
· the length of a fish, measured in meters with a meter stick or tape (real numbers)
· a length of time, as in how many months till a birthday
· a height,
· a weight
· the temperatures on Wednesday mornings in January

Random Sample of Data, Ordering Data Points, Stem-and-Leaf, Quartiles, Statistics, Quartile Ranges

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© 1/30/2025, A2, Agnes Azzolino mathnstuff.com/math/stat/23sp25.3.5.htm