
      MAT123 Spring 2025 Notes

Wed, 1/22, Intro1.1, 1.2
1.1 Definitions of Statistics, Probability , and Key Terms
a) Distinguish populations and samples
b) Distinguish parameters and statistics
1.2 Data, Sampling, and Variation in Data and Sampling
a) Classify data into categories of categorical, quantitative, discrete, continuous.
b) Distinguish different types of sampling 1
Discrete or Continuous
  • CONTINUOUS - all numbers are used over the desired interval
    You might have data that are real numbers on a range 0 < x < 6: numbers like 4.387, .58, 5.55555... or you might have real numbers from -3 to 5.
    ·       the length of a fish, measured in meters with a meter stick or tape
    (real numbers)
    · a length of time, as in how many months till a birthday
    · a height,
    · a weight
    · the temperatures on Wednesday mornings in January
  • DISCRETE - only certain numbers are used over the desired interval
    You might have data that are integers: numbers like -3, 0, -10, 4, 6, 10, 11, or natural (counting) numbers: numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
    ·       the length of fish, measured to the nearest half inch
    (whole numbers and halves only)
    ·       a number of things, as in how many nickels there are in a jar,
    / (whole numbers)
    ·       a shoe size, as in 8, 8 1/2, 9, 9 1/2
    ·       a grade in school, as in: 1st, 2nd, 3rd
    ·       a night's win (+) or loss (-) in dollar bets (integers)

Population, Sample, Data, Statistic
  • SAMPLE - a collection - 1, more than 1, or perhaps all (here, you would know this by emptying or filling the tank).
  • POPULATION - a collection of all the items under consideration (here, you would know this by emptying or filling the tank).
  • STATISTICAL SAMPLE - a collection of raw data - counts, lengths, durations of time, test scores, integers, real numbers, etc.
  • STATISTICAL POPULATION - a collection of all the raw data - counts, lengths, durations of time, test scores, integers, real numbers, etc.
    One usually does not examine the entire population. Population statistics are often given in a situation. You might be studing the statistical sample.
  • DATA or DATA POINT or RAW DATA - 1 piece of information -- as in the length of a fish, as in the number of fins on a fish, as in the color of a fish.
  • STATISTIC - the processed information -- as in the average length of all the fish in the sample.

statistics vocabulary

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