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      MSH! Classes - Taking Notes

Taking Notes  

    Mathematics is a language which is written as well as spoken and read. These lessons encourage the student to WRITE mathematics.

    Two very different forms of writing are possible with a computer at hand. Each is discussed here because the skills are so different.

    Your are strongly encouraged to take notes. Here's how.

    NOTE: No points have been marked on this page for BREAKs. Decide for yourself when to break.

Thoughts on Pencil & Paper Notes  

    COPYING is valuable, particularly if it is something that is new.

    Copying requires analysis and is demanding because it requires the hand to do an unfamiliar task.

    Your are hereby formally requested to hand copy each new symbol or expression. You are also formally requested to practice writing the new material until your hand has learned the task. Here's a short task.


1. Write the date in your notes.

2. Printed and written versions of two different symbols for the empty set are shown. Copy both { }, indicating a set with nothing in it, and the null set symbol in your notes.

3. Practice in your notes until you can write each legibly.

4. Record the names of the symbols and additional info you might have learned in the dictionary about sets.


    SUMMARIZING is valuable, particularly if it is about something new.

    Summarizing requires analysis and is demanding because it requires the deletion of less important material and restating of important ideas.

    Your are hereby formally requested to write notes on new material content and to revisit your notes at future times. Here's a short task.


5. Read the rest of this page.

6. List the [Ctrl] or [Alt] command required to complete each of the following tasks.

a. Alternate between the Notepad® and the browser.
b. Print the date and time in Notepad®.
c. Save notes in Notepad®.
d. Print a web page from the browser.


    Note: This is no answer key for questions 1 - 6.

Computer Notes  

    Taking notes is made even easier by the computer. Any word processing package will work for taking computer notes but, I suggest using Notepad®.

    Here are some thing you should be doing when note taking on the computer.

  • Open a Notepad® page -- [Start] then [Programs] then [Accesssories] then [Notepad] or create a shortcut to do this.
  • Immediately save and name the page -- [Alt] + [F] then [A] then type what you wish to call the Notepad® page. This is the same as [File] then [Save As].
  • Keep the Notepad® open while you work on a page. On a large screen, the Notepad® can be sized to fit on the blank area of the page.
  • Print the date and time on the Notepad® page by pressing the [F5] key. This is the same as [Edit] then [Time/Date].
  • Select/copy/paste in your notes the name of the page you are completing. For these classes, the URL (address) is found both at the address line, above, and at the bottom of the page.
  • Include important parts of the page. You may use the Select/copy/paste to copy then print text or a name as they appear on the computer screen. Notepad® will not copy the math symbols which appear in white in the lessons - each is a graphic file. If you wish to make a copy of a symbol or formula or equation with a white background, you must save the graphics file or print the page from the browser.
  • Occasionally save your Notepad® page - [Alt] + [F] then [S]. This is the same as [File] then [Save].

Reference List  
ALTERNATE between Notepad® and Lesson on Browser:
-- Press and continue to hold down [Alt]. Press [Tab] and press [Tab] again and again until the name of the program you wish to use is displayed. Release [Alt] and [Tab].
CALCULATOR, open it on the computer:
-- [Start] then [Programs] then [Accesssories] then [Calculator].
COPY a selected passage
-- Press [Ctrl] + [C] or
-- [Edit] then [C] for copy. This is useful for making a copy of the passage but leaving it intact.
CUT a selected passage
-- Press [Ctrl] + [X] or
-- [Edit] then [T] for cut. This is useful for making a copy of the passage and removing the original passage.
DATE/TIME inserted into Notepad®:
-- [F5] key OR
-- [Edit] then [Time/Date].
OPEN a Notepad® page:
-- [Start] then [Programs] then [Accesssories] then [Notepad].
PLAY FreeCell®:
-- [Start] then [Programs] then [Accesssories] then [Games] then [FreeCell].
NAME the page:
-- [Alt] + [F] then [A] then type what you wish to call the Notepad® page. OR
-- [File] then [Save As].
PASTE a selected passage
(place the selected passage after the location of the curser)
-- Press [Ctrl] + [V] or
-- [Edit] then [P] for Paste.
PRINT the BROWSER PAGE for questions & quizzes
-- Press [Ctrl] + [P] OR
-- Press [Alt] + [F], then [P] for print or [File] then [Print]
-- Press [Alt] + [F], then [P] for print or [File] then [Print]
SAVE Notepad® page:
-- [Alt] + [F] then [S] OR
-- [File] then [Save].
SAVE a second copy of a Notepad® page under a new name
-- [Alt] + [F] then [A] OR
-- [File] then [Save As].
SAVE symbols, an expression, an equation or a picture:
1st: Place the mouse over the item.
2nd: Right-click on the mouse so a menu appears.
3rd: Press [S] for [Save Picture As]
SAVE a web page as a web page:
-- [Alt] + [V] then [C] then name it and store it as desired OR
-- [View] then [Source] ...
SELECT a block of text:
Using keys:
1st: Place the curser at the beginning or end of the passage you wish to select.
2nd: Hold down the [Shift] key.
3rd: Press the [right arrow key] to go forward all the way to the end of the passage OR
3rd: Press the [left arrow key] to go backward all the way to the beginning of the passage.
4th: Release both keys. The passage has now been selected. You may wish to copy or to cut.
Using the mouse:
1st: Place the curser at the beginning or end of the passage you wish to select.
2nd: Left-click on the mouse and drag the highlighting to the other end of the passage.
3rd: Release the click on the mouse (and the passage remains highlighted).
4th: The passage has now been selected. You may wish to copy or to cut.

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