Spread Sheets -- Dynamic Computation
- Graphs y=Asin(Bx-C) +D, where A, B, C, D are input values.
- Scatter-Plots y=Atan(Bx-C)+D, where A, B, C, D are input values.
- Graphs two sine functions where A, B, C, D are input values.
- Graphs one sine function and one cosine function where where A, B, C, D are input values.
- Solve a right triangle.
- Solve a 45-45-90 triangle.
Input leg a. Seek a leg and hypotenuse.
Input side c. Seek two legs.
- Solve a 30-60-90 triangle.
Input leg a. Seek a leg and hypotenuse.
Input leg b. Seek a leg and hypotenuse.
Input side c. Seek the hypotenuse.
- Use Pythagorean Theorem and arithmetic and basic trig.
Input leg a and leg b. Seek the hypotenuse and the angles.
Input hypotenuse c and leg a. Seek a leg and the angles.
Input angle A and side a. Seek a leg, side, and hypotenuse.
- Solve any triangle.
Use the Sine Law, if a side and the opposite angle are given.
Input angles A , B, side a. Seek two sides and an angle.
Input angle A , side a, side b. Seek two angles and a side.
- Use the Law of Cosines.
Input sides a, b, c. Seek each angle.
Input angle A , sides b,c. Seek no solution, 1 solution, or 2 solutions.
sinelaw.xls -- sine law digital manipulative
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