MAT129 Fall 2024 Notes

Wednesday  October  9	Topics:	5.6		Notes:	10.09.a, 10.09.b, 10.09.c, 10.09.d, 10.07.d

5.6  - Rational Functions: Asymptotes and Graphing, pg. 414,  Learning Objectives
	* Use arrow notation.
	* Solve applied problems involving rational functions.
	* Find the domains of rational functions.
	* Identify vertical asymptotes.
	* Identify horizontal asymptotes.
	* Graph rational functions.
polynomial, rational functions pdf
Rational Function Definition & Notation
Precalc definition:
an algebraic expression or function, produced by the DIVISION of polynomials, with the use of one variable x -- fraction expressions or fraction functions
anxn + an-1xn-1 + an-2xn-2 + ... +a2x2 + a1x1 + a0x0
bnxn + bn-1xn-1 + bn-2xn-2 + ... +b2x2 + b1x1 + b0x0
in which the constants an, an-1, an-2, ... , a2, a1, a0, bn, bn-1, bn-2, ... , b2, b1, b0 are real,
and serve as coefficients or the constant term,
and in which all exponent of x are counting numbers.

Rational Functions Notes
      a list of things to do when sketching a rational function
      two examples of sketching rational functions
      a problems to try and their solution
Features of a Rational Function
Sketch f(x) = [ (x2 - 4)(x + 3)] / [(x+2)(x-1)] animation
Synthetic division & long division notes
      to find zeros
      to rewrite a rational function to find horizontal and other asymptotes and
      to determine the end behavior.
recipfx.gsp   -- graph of parameter-defined reciprocal function,
    * with slide-able tangent line,
asymptote definition
end behavior   -- definition increasing/decreasing
Who Has? Rat'l F(x) Game
======== PRINT THESE FILES FOR USE IN THE NEXT CLASS =============================
Logarithm Connect-the-Dots web page, pdf, 10.16.a, log con-dots
Exponent Connect-the-Dots web page, pdf, 10.16.b, exponent con-dots
Expand or simplify the log web page, pdf, 10.16.c, simplify con-dots
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