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    Precalc & Calc Project Tasks

1st:  Request a project/presentation

  • Request a topic with which you can demonstrate expertise on a topic in a 10-minute math lecture.
  • Projects will be approved on a first come/first served basis.
  • Your project/presentation should facilitate your classmates' preparations for the tests scheduled Friday submission.
  • Await approval.

2nd:  Prepare the 2-page pdf file handout.

  • Your handout should be a 2-page (longer MAY be permitted), 8-1/2" x 11" paper, SAVED AS A PDF FILE.
  • Your prof will post, on the appropriate Wednesday 9/18, or 10/2, or 10/23, or 12/4 Presentation Day web page so students may download and use it during your presentation.
  • If you wish to write on the handout during the presentation, as Thanh, with 1c and 2c, did, consider using a stylus or Bamboo to do the writing on the screen.
  • If your are using material from the book, state the pages, the textbook title and the authors.
    If you are using class notes, state the url of the page of notes.
    If you are using another source (textbook, webpage, video) cite the source using MLA Style Guide. See
  • Write or summarize the material yourself, but, you may show it to someone (for editing and checking the math computation).
  • Include:
        · Title
        ·Your Name
  • Perhaps include:
        ·vocabulary and introduction
        ·main point or idea
        ·completed examples
        ·a set of typical question (and answers)
  • Because presentations are made on Wednesdays during class, pdf files must reach the prof by 11:59 pm of the Monday night before the Wednesday class.
  • If you do not know how to create a pdf file, see your prof in an office hour or go to the tutoring center or look on-line for instructions.

3rd:  Make the presentation using your handout as a guide and a prop.

  • Remote-Live students may make a video instead of zoom-class presentation. Internet class students may make presentation in a remote-live class on 9/18, 10/2, 10/23, or 12/4.
  • It should be a not-longer-than-10-minute Zoom or video presentation in which you are visible for at least some point in the presentation.

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