MATH GAMES FOR ADULT AND CHILDSUMTHING ELSE TOPIC and LEVEL: Addition/Subtraction: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced; Families: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced PLAY AFTER: SHOW ME, STONES ON MY LEGS, HOW MANY IS ? PLAY WITH: STONES ON MY LEGS, HOW MANY IS? EQUIPMENT: deck of bridge cards changed as follows:
player has found. TO PLAY:
![]() On the table are 28 cards placed face down in neat rows. The Child has a small piece of paper on which has been written: 8, followed by a column of equations. The Adult has a newspaper. The Child: "I want to go first." The Adult: "O.K." The Child turns over a card and finds the 4 of hearts; turns over another card and finds the 4 of spades; announces, "Look, I got a pair just like that. I go again;" removes the two cards from the rows and uses them to make a pile of cards on the table. ![]() The Child turns over the 3 of spades and the 2 of diamonds; looks at the list of equations; and while returning the cards to their original arrangement, announces, "Your turn." The Adult, who has been paying some attention to what the Child has been doing, turns over a 5 of hearts and asks, "Where is that 3?" The Child giggles and responds, "I know, I know, but I'm not going to tell you." The Adult turns over a 2 of clubs, the card just to the right of the 3 of spades, says, "Oh," and turns the card face down saying, "Your turn." ![]() The Child quickly turns over the 3 of spades but pauses to think before turning over the 5 of hearts. "I got another one. I think I'm going to win this game." The Adult and Child have been playing SUMTHING ELSE. On the table are the ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of each of the four suits of playing cards. To win the game a player must find more pairs of numbers totaling eight than the other players find. Players take turns turning over two cards at a time looking for pairs totaling eight. If a pair is found, the player goes again. This is a good game for a child to play because it teaches addition and if a child pays attention, he or she has a good chance of winning-- particularly if the adult players are not paying much attention to the game. SUMTHING ELSE can be made more difficult by using more cards and larger sums or it can be made easier by using fewer cards and smaller sums. Pairs may be made using characteristics other than addition. For example: A pair of fours may make a match if a pair of fives and also a pair of sixes also make matches. The game may also be played using homemade or commercially available decks of cards. These matches might include pairs in either of the following examples. ![]() For the child who is just beginning to add to play the game of SUMTHING ELSE, as illustrated above, some means of checking addition is necessary. Use a calculator or an addition table shown here. The page might be folded to show only the family being used in the game. It should also be noted that zeros have been included in this version of the game. Either a face card is used as a zero or a hand-made deck of cards is used. ![]() |
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