Assignment Title: Letter Assignment Code: Letr
Due: before 11:59 pm, Friday, January 24, 2025
1st: Download this text file.
2nd: Answer each question.
3rd: RENAME the file as described below.
4th: ATTACH and EMAIL the file as described below.
Through this page, by answering these questions,
introduce yourself to me, A^2, your prof.
1. What's your name as listed by the College?
2. Given,
BLUE, Calc MAT131-10 M/W 10:00 - 11:50 AM
PURPLE, Calc MAT131-11
YELLOW, Statistics l MAT123-IN11
GREEN, Statistics l MAT123-IN12
What's your class color?
3. What's the (ONLY ONE!) email address that you would
like me to use to contact you? The college email is not
suggested but may be used. I have not found it to be reliable.
4. Use the above info to write your email subject line that will
look like:
three-digit number.FirstName.LastName.Code
as in:
* This info will also be use for your file name as in:
* These emails go to:,, or
5. State the month and year you last attended a math course.
6. What was the name of your last math course?
7. What grade did you get?
8. On a scale from 0 (low) to 10 (high), how good are you at math?
9. As with the Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, the act of
measuring makes the measurement less certain. Question #8 may
do just that, influence the measurement -- hopefully in a positive way.
Jonathan Malesic, author of "The End of Burnout," one who teaches
writing at the University of Texas at Dallas, and who, according to the
NY Times says, "I have seen that students who are open to new
knowledge will learn. Students who aren't, won't."
"But this attitude is not fixed. The paradoxical union of intellectual
humility and ambition is something that every student can (with help
from teachers, counselors and parents) and should cultivate. It's what
makes learning possible."
Eli Shore, Program Coordinator, Tri-Boro Driver Rehab & Mobility
Services puts it a different way, "If you are not willing to listen, if you
'must do it your way' you won't be able to learn to drive."
Consider: Do I want to be here? Am I here only because my
parents/others forced me/wanted me to be here? Do I think it is "a waste"
that I am taking this course? Am I here just to pass the courses I need
for the degree I want? Am I game to learn something new? Am I looking
forward to learning something new? Am I "open to new knowledge?"
On a scale from 0 (low) to 10 (high), how "open to new knowledge"
are you?
10. What is your major? What are your career plans?
11. It is your job to teach me who you are. Give me A FEW WORDS about
you so I can better recall who you are.
* For example, about me one might write: son Mike tugboat captain,
likes beads, math prof, webmaster
12. What is important for me to know about you to make your semester
more successful? How can I help the most?
Before answering, consider how other students learn by reading the
list on How I Learn. They learn by repetition, by review, by slow practice,
by "storing it until understanding it, or memorizing it if I still don't
understand it."
If you wish me to go over a problem then perhaps give a list of
instructions, this I can probably do.
If you wish me to go over more problems similar to the first, there is
no time in class to do this. You will need to come to my office.
13. What did I forget to ask? Any additional comments?
14. The course was designed to be completed on a computer, but, many
past students used their phone instead. What percent of class/zoom time
do you anticipate using your phone instead of a computer?
15. Do you understand that:
15a. Every file must be renamed as: ###.First.Last.Code?
15b. Every page of every file must be titled with: ###.First.Last.Code
15c. Every file must be ATTACHED (often by a "paper clip)?
16. Again, Do you understand that:
16a. Every file must be renamed as: ###.First.Last.Code
16b. Every page of every file must be titled with: ###.First.Last.Code
16c. Every file must be ATTACHED (often by a "paper clip")
This is the end of the Letter, the first graded assignment.
Next complete the first quiz, Q1 found
for Statistics on:
or for Calculus I on: |