Name ______________________ © 2001
- graf1. In algebra, an idea may be expressed in
many ways.
- Here words, symbols, numbers, and a graph are required.
- 1st: Complete the table using symbols & numbers.
Written words: | a number |
one more than a number |
one less than a number |
Written symbols: |
x | | |
Usings numbers: |
0 | | |
1 | | |
2 | | |
3 | | |
-1 | | |
-2 | | |
1/2 | | |
- 2nd: The graph for "a number" has been completed for you.
- Use the table above and the plane below to complete
- the two remaining graphs.
- 3rd: How are the other two graphs similar & different
- from the graph of "a number?"