Algebra Questionbook - Graphs
    © '01, A. Azzolino

graf1. In algebra, an idea may be expressed in many ways.
Here words, symbols, numbers, and a graph are required.
1st: Complete the table using symbols & numbers.
Written words:a number one more than a number one less than a number
Written symbols: x    
Usings numbers:
2nd: The graph for "a number" has been completed for you.
Use the table above and the plane below to complete
the two remaining graphs.
3rd: How are the other two graphs similar & different
from the graph of "a number?"

graf2. In algebra, an idea may be expressed in many ways.
Here words, symbols, numbers, and a graph are required.
1st: Complete the table using symbols & numbers.
Written words:a number double a number triple a number
Written symbols: x    
Usings numbers:
2nd: The graph for "a number" has been completed for you.
Use the table above and the plane below to complete
the two remaining graphs.
3rd: How are the other two graphs similar & different
from the graph of "a number?"

1. Graph a vertical line which goes
through the point (-3,4).
2. Name this line with an equation.
3. Graph a horizontal line which
contains the point (2,3).
4. Name this line with an equation.

Discuss the slopes of vertical lines, "tilted" or oblique lines, and horizontal lines. Give examples of the arithmetic computation of each.

The line y = 5x - 4 may be graphed quickly by a method called slope-intercept. In 5 or fewer steps, state how this method is completed.

You have been given the points (3,-4) and (2, 6). List at least 3 different things your instructor might ask you to do on the next test with this information.

graf7. State the equation of a line
1.) parallel to y = -2x + 4;
2.) intersecting y = -2x + 4;
3.) coincident to y = -2x + 4.
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