- Term Tiles & Tokens presents both the theory and the tools for the concrete and the digital teaching algebra and prealgebra.
It sets the stage, supports, and reinforces, and extends the traditional symbolic algebra.
- With Basic Term Tiles & Tokens one may complete integer computation, write algebraic expressions
in one variable, simplify algebraic expressions in one variable, evaluate algebraic expressions in one variable, complete algebraic computation,
factor and distribute, solve linear equations and inequalities and quadratics, solve word problems, complete rational (fraction) computation.
- With Advanced Term Tiles & Tokens one may simplify algebraic expressions in one and two and
three variables, evaluate algebraic expressions in one or two or three variables, complete algebraic computation in one or two or three variables,
factor and distribute, solve systems in two variables, examine binomial sums and differences and their squares and cubes, examine the
Binomial Expansion and Pascal's Triangle.
- In order to do these things, tiles are chosen for their meaning (representation) then moved or
manipulated to achieve the desired goal (operation).
- Term Tiles, both the concrete and the digital, are manipulatives. In order to maximize use, comments
about manipulatives and math are appropriate. These are provided in the introduction.
- Masters are provided for the production of concrete paper tiles and tokens.
- Spread sheets are provided for the digital use of these tokens or manipulatives as well as
the creation of new work. With creation, the goal of transforming the student to the expert is best achieved.