Color Considertations  

Agnes Azzolino
Webmaster @


It is HARD until it is EASY.
- Agnes Azzolino


Size Horizontal Rules
Black to Green Red to Purple
More Blues & Greens Reds Increasing, Blue-Green Decreasing
Electric Blue-green By Name
All Named Colors Colors Swatches & Hexidecimal (#RRGGBB) Name

Font size ranges from a small of 1 to a large of 7.
This is font size=1.
This is font size=2.
This is font size=3.
This is font size=4.
This is font size=5.
This is font size=6.
This is font size=7.

(1.) This is how the color #000000 looks.
(2.) This is how the color #004400 looks.
(3.) This is how the color #008800 looks.
(4.) This is how the color #00AA00 looks.
(5.) This is how the color #00CC00 looks.
(6.) This is how the color #00FF00 looks.

Sample: BLACK TO GREEN, white background
(1.) This is how the color #000000 looks.
(2.) This is how the color #004400 looks.
(3.) This is how the color #008800 looks.
(4.) This is how the color #00AA00 looks.
(5.) This is how the color #00CC00 looks.
(6.) This is how the color #00FF00 looks.

(1.) This is how the color #FF0000 looks.
(2.) This is how the color #FF000F looks.
(3.) This is how the color #FF00F8 looks.
(4.) This is how the color #FF0F8F looks.
(5.) This is how the color #FF8F8F looks.
(6.) This is how the color #F8F8F8 looks.
Sample: Horizontal Rule Samples, sizes 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1

Sample: The electric BLUE-GREENS
(1.) This is how the color #00FF00 looks.
(2.) This is how the color #00FF44 looks.
(3.) This is how the color #00FF88 looks.
(4.) This is how the color #00FFAA looks.
(5.) This is how the color #00FFCC looks.
(6.) This is how the color #00FFFF looks.

Sample: The electric BLUE-GREENS
(1.) This is how the color #00FF00 looks.
(2.) This is how the color #00FF44 looks.
(3.) This is how the color #00FF88 looks.
(4.) This is how the color #00FFAA looks.
(5.) This is how the color #00FFCC looks.
(6.) This is how the color #00FFFF looks.

Sample: Red increasing, blue-green decreasing.
(1.) This is how the color #00FFFF looks.
(2.) This is how the color #33CCCC looks.
(3.) This is how the color #669999 looks.
(4.) This is how the color #996666 looks.
(5.) This is how the color #CC3333 looks.
(6.) This is how the color #FF0000 looks.

Sample: More Blues & Greens
(1.) This is how the color #005500 looks.

(2.) This is how the color #004499 looks.

(3.) This is how the color #0044CC looks.

(4.) This is how the color #005500 looks.

(5.) This is how the color #005544 looks.

(6.) This is how the color #005599 looks.

Sample: By Name
(1.) This is how the color BLUE looks.
(2.) This is how the color NAVY looks.
(3.) This is how the color PURPLE looks.
(4.) This is how the color MAROON looks.
(5.) This is how the color RED looks.
(6.) This is how the color FUSCHIA looks.


eeeeff ccccff 99ccff 55aaff 6699ff 88ccff 8888ff 6666ff ffffff 4444ff 4400ff 5b5bff 2277ff 7373ff

ffffff eeeeee e8e8e8 dddddd d8d8d8 cccccc c8c8c8 b8b8b8 bbbbbb aaaaaa

99ccff 55aaff 6699ff 88ccff 8888ff 6666ff ffffff 4444ff 4400ff 5b5bff 2277ff 7373ff

© 6/10/2001, MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS, inc.