Directions: Check the verbs you use ON GRADED ASSIGNMENTS OR TESTS.
Unless the entire assignment is verbally stated, do not check verbs stated orally, they are not used in this inventory.
1. abstract | 2. acquire | 3. add | 4. analyze | 5. answer |
6. apply | 7. appraise | 8. argue | 9. assess | 123. bisect |
10. break down | 11. categorize | 12. change | 13. rotate | 14. choose |
15. classify | 16. combine | 17. compare | 18. complete | 19. compose |
20. compute | 21. conclude | 22. consider | 23. contrast | 122. construct |
24. convert | 25. correct | 26. create | 27. decide | 28. deduce |
29. defend | 30. define | 31. demonstrate | 32. describe | 33. design |
34. detect | 35. determine | 36. develop | 37. devise | 38. diagram |
39. differentiate | 40. discriminate | 41. discuss | 42. distinguish | 43. divide |
44. do | 45. document | 46. draw | 47. employ | 48. estimate |
49. evaluate | 50. explain | 51. extend | 52. extrapolate | 121. factor |
53. fill in | 54. find | 55. formulate | 56. generalize | 57. give example |
58. graph | 59. hypothesize | 60. identify | 61. illustrate | 62. infer |
63. integrate | 64. interpolate | 65. interpret | 66. judge | |
67. justify | 68. lecture | 69. list | 70. make | 71. match |
72. modify | 73. multiply | 74. operate | 75. organize | 76. originate |
77. outline | 78. paraphrase | 79. pick | 80. plan | 81. plot |
82. point plot | 83. point out | 84. predict | 85. prepare | 86. present |
87. produce | 88. propose | 89. prove | 90. read | 91. rearrange |
92. recall | 93. recognize | 94. relate | 95. reorder | 96. report |
97. represent | 98. restate | 99. restructure | 100. reword | 101. rewrite |
102. separate | 103. show | 104. simplify | 105. sketch | 106. solve |
107. specify | 108. speculate | 109. standardize | 110. state | 111. subtract |
112. summarize | 113. support | 114. synthesize | 115. tell | 116. transfer |
117. transform | 118. translate | 119. use | 120. write | 124. select |
After you've checked and reviewed the list, enter your name here if you are completing the work in a lab with others using the same printer you are using: Name
PRINT A COPY OF THE WEB PAGE. You will need the verb list in the second part of the Assessment Inventory.
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