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MIDDLE GROUND - Brief Summary of A Confidence Interval: A Range of Expected Values

A Confidence Interval, A Brief Introduction
      A confidence interval is a range of numbers, used to describe a statistical parameter and how sure the statistician is about its value.
      This interval might be represented in words, as in:
      The average is between 25 and 45.
      This interval might be represented in symbols, as in:
      25 < µ < 45.
      This interval might be represented on a number line, as in:
      It might be used in conjunction with the area under a normal curve, as in: "within 2 standard deviations of the mean."
      It might be used when reporting the error in a survey, as in: "65% supported the proposition, with a 4% margin of error."
      It might be used when completing a two-tailed hypothesis test, as in: "The average is 0. With 95% confidence, test the alternate hypothesis that the average in not 0."
      In each case the confidence interval is a range of scores.

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