limh4Dx -- Really shows the derivative is the limit of the diference quotient. Use this one!!
fX.f'X.f''X.intX.gsp and
Function Emojis

derivativeTests -- Derivative Tests & DerAnyFx
DerAnyFx -- Derivative of Any Function
* One may trace the function and see coordinates displayed.
* One may edit the function. * One may graph the approximate derivative function.
1 - f(x) w/tangent line
2 - f(x) & TRACE
3 - any f(x): x, f(x), f'(x), f''(x)
4 - sin(x): x, f(x), f'(x), f''(x)
absement Sketchpad - absity, absement, displacement,velocity, acceleration, jolt, jounce, ... -- derivatives & antiderivatives of displacement
absement definition - antiderivative of displacement, cumulative displacement
nth derivatives of displacement - image -
DerCos -- Derivative of Cosine
Dere2x -- Derivative of the exponential
Derlnx -- Derivative of the Natural Log
DerReciprocal -- Derivative of the Reciprocal Function
DerSqrt -- Derivative of the Square Root
DerReciprocal -- by use of a tangent line
DERe2x -- by use of a tangent line
DerSqrt -- simple curve and tangent. Could make it fancy.
DerSquare -- simple graph w/tangent of x2. Could make it fancy.
Trig Derivatives
DerivSin -- full blown 4-page sketches ** Use this
DerSin -- simple sine and tangent line. Use other DerivSin.
DerCos -- cosine graph, movable tangent line w/equation,
* m derived by simple m formula (h=.01), * "derivative" may be graphed.
DerivCos -- display cosine graph and entire difference quotient triangle (not the best)
DerTan -- tangent function & tangent line graphed, actual derivative function is provided & may be graphed.