Dodecahedron Net and Instructions
© 2003, A
Materials Needed
· tape
· a copy of the template in
Word document
· scissors
· (optional) staight edge or ruler
To Assemble:
1st: Print the document or image.
Edit the image as desired.
If it is too small, take a printed copy and use the enlarge feature of a copy machine to make a bigger copy.
Many copy machines also use paper that is 11" by 17" so a very large version is possible but accuracy and rigidity are decreased.
2nd: Score using the straight edge or ruler, as desired.
3rd: Cut out the shape so that one piece of paper with 12 pentagons is all that remains.
4th: Fold every printed line segment back and forth.
Perhaps pinch the paper between your thumbnail and forefinger to make the crease or fold very sharp and more flexible.
5th: Assemble using tape on the inside or outside of the solid as desired.
Additional Resosurces
make 12 and attach
make 2 and attach
Polyhedra plaited with paper strips by H. B. Meyer (© 2000-2002)
© March 1, 2003, A