IN MATH: 1. n. the number "under" the inclusion bar of the radical sign; the base with is to be raised to the fractional exponent; the argument of the root function. EX. In the radicand is 25 and the index is 2.

Type the argument then press button to simplify.
  • Do not use fraction representation.
  • Please approximate the fractions with a decimal.
  • Use positive arguments for the even roots -- square root, fourth root, sixth root, ...
  • THIS PART OF THIS PAGE can only take positive arguments for the odd roots -- cube root, fifth root -- even though they are defined for negative numbers as well. USE THE X-TO-THE-Y BUTTON BELOW!
To take the square root of a number, 2 (n), raise the number to the 1/2 or .5 power.
To take the cube root of a number, 3 (n), raise the number to the 1/3 or .333333... power.
To take the fourth root of a number, 4 (n), raise the number to the 1/4 or .25 power.
To take the fifth root of a number, 5 (n), raise the number to the 1/5 or .2 power.
For other roots, use the x-to-the-y function, xy
  • Do not use fraction representation.
  • Please approximate the fractions with a decimal.
  • Enter a negative without a space:  Write negative two as "-2", not "- 2."

    Also see:
  • RADICAL IDEAS - irrational numbers and roots VOCABULARY

IN ENGLISH: 1. as defined above.

APPLICATION: See list 270.

This is a page from the dictionary MATH SPOKEN HERE!, published in 1995 by MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS, inc., ISBN: 0-9623593-5-1.   You are hereby granted permission to make ONE printed copy of this page and its picture(s) for your PERSONAL and not-for-profit use.

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