A. Azzolino

3. Restate in words the following Properties of Exponents.

4. See the back of your text book for sample programs and learn the command INPUT.
    Write a program for your calculator which may be used to:
1) ask for and input two ordered pairs which name points,
2) compute the distance between the two points,
3) display this distance.
Name this program COMPUTATION, write down a copy of the program.
Store the program in your calculator as Prgm4.
Show your calculator to the teacher in an office hour.

5. Take Prgm4 and rewrite it also
1) computes the slope of the line connecting the points,
2) displays this slope.
Write down a copy. Store it as Prgm4 in your machine.
Show your calculator to the teacher in an office hour.

coord plane
6. Graph & state the equation of a line
1.) parallel to y = -2x + 4
2.) intersecting y = -2x + 4
3.) coincident to y = -2x + 4

7. Square Root Function
7a. Using the table feature of your calculator create a table of values of a number and its square root. Copy the table on this page.
7b. On each of the two coordinate plane on this page, graph the identity function and the square root function.
coord plane
7c. In words describe how the two different curves compare.
7d. With words, compare, for different values of x, the identity to the square root.
coord plane
8. The Reciprocal Function
8a. Graph the reciprocal function.
8b. Describe the graph using the following mathematical terms:
asymptote or asymptotic, intercept, increasing, decreasing.
coord plane
9.    The point (0,0) on the graph of the square root of a number, , has been moved to each of the following locations by the method listed.

Write an appropriate equation for each graph.
9a. (1,0), shift to the right.
9b. (-1,0), shift to the left, & reflection about a horizontal line through the point.
9c. (-1,0) shift to the left, & reflection about a vertical line through the point.

Sketch the graph of a function in which
the function increases for values of x from
    -4 to -1 and from 8 to 12;
decreases between -1 and 3,
is constant from 3 to 8 and
undefined elsewhere.
coord plane

24.    Explain in words and symbols what is meant by an odd function. Give examples.

coord plane

1st: Determine the inverse of
2nd: Show algebraically that a(x) and are inverse.
3rd: Show graphically that a(x) and are inverses.
coord plane

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