MAT129 Fall 2024 Notes

Monday  October  7	 Topics:	5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.7			
Notes:	10.07a, 10.07b, 10.07c, 10.07d
5.1 - Quadratic Functions, pg. 344 (see day 2),  Learning Objectives
	* Recognize characteristics of parabolas.
	* Understand how the graph of a parabola is related to its quadratic function.
	* Determine a quadratic function’s minimum or maximum value.
	* Solve problems involving a quadratic function’s minimum or maximum value.
5.2  - Power Functions and Polynomial Functions, pg. 360,  Learning Objectives 
	* Identify power functions.
	* Identify end behavior of power functions.
	* Identify polynomial functions.
	* Identify the degree and leading coefficient of polynomial functions.
5.3  - pg 375,  Learning Objectives
	* Recognize characteristics of graphs of
	* Use factoring to find zeros of polynom
	* Identify zeros and their multiplicities.
	* Determine end behavior.
	* Understand the relationship between d
	* Graph polynomial functions.
	* Use the Intermediate Value Theorem.
5.4  - pg 393,  Learning Objectives
	* Use long division to divide polynomials.
	* Use synthetic division to divide polynomials.
5.5  - pg 402,  Learning Objectives
	* Evaluate a polynomial using the Remainder Theorem.
	* Use the Factor Theorem to solve a polynomial equation.
	* Use the Rational Zero Theorem to find rational zeros.
	* Find zeros of a polynomial function.
	* Use the Linear Factorization Theorem to find polynomials wi
	* Use Decartes' Rule of Signs.
	* Solve real-world applications of polynomial equations.
5.7 - pg 435
	* Find the inverse of an invertible polynomial function.
	* Restrict the domain to find the inverse of a polynomial function.

Quadratic Functions

      Quadratics In General
      Ways to Solve Quadratics
      Quadratic Equation, Formula, & The Discriminant
      Completing the Square
A Line times a Line Is A Parabola
Solve a Quadratic by Completeing the Square Instructions gif
Squaring and Square Root Functions
quadratic equation
Uses of Quadratics:
      To Create Other Functions
      To Express Projectile Motion
How the general equation y=ax² + bx + c and the standard equation y=a(x-h)² +k relate
Games or Manipulatives
Oscar Reutersvard's Penrose Square -- Solve the quadratic. Connect the dots.
          easy print pdf
sketchpad sketchpad
Sketch Pads -- Dynamic Analytic Geometry
    Parabols, Quadratic Functions
  • parabola   -- Multi page: 2 parabolas: 1 in general form, 1 in standard forms,
        * both generated by equations defined by parameters.
        * graphs of 2 parabolas: 1 in general form, 1 in standard forms,
        * 1 parabola, set a, then generat parabola w/2 points.
        * 1 parabola controlled by 3 points, used for determinant analysis
        * 1 vertical axis of symmetry, 1 horizontal "axis of symmetry"
  • TracePoly   -- drag point f(x) to state and show new ( x, f(x))
spread sheet notes
Spread Sheets -- Dynamic Computation
  • polynomial spreadsheet --
        * graph polynomial function written in factored form
        * complete synthetic division computation
  • quadratic --
        * enter a, b, c, get x1, x2, h, k
        * enter a, h, k, get x1, x2, a, b, c, and the discriminant home
Forms Web Pages -- Dynamic Computation
  • Computes Quadratic Equation, Formula, & Discriminant

Polynomial Definition & Notation
Simple definition (for algebra I and geometry):   polynomial
Precalc definition:
an algebraic expression or function, named by its highest degree, produced by the MULTIPLICATION of constants, monomials, binomials, ..., with the use of one variable x,
anxn + an-1xn-1 + an-2xn-2 + ... +a2x2 + a1x1 + a0x0,
in which the constants an, an-1, an-2, ... , a2, a1, a0 are real,
and serve as coefficients or the constant term,
and in which all exponent of x are counting numbers.
Polynomial Functions: Notes
      Definition & Notation
      Polynomial Computation
      Possible Roots
      Quadratic, Cubic, Quartic Formulas
      Complex Roots
Polynomial Functions
      How to sketch a polynomial function
      Examples of sketching polynomial functions
      Problems to sketch and their solution
Intercepts/Roots/Factors Vocabulary & Images
Games and Manipulatives
Who Has? Polynomial F(x) Game CHANGE LINK
spread sheet notes
Spread Sheets -- Dynamic Computation
  • polynomial spreadsheet --
        graph a polynomial function written in factored form
        complete synthetic division
  • synthetic division spreadsheet -- just complete synthetic division of a polynomial or of a quadratic by a linear binomial
  • rational function spread sheet
        Graph and table of (Axm)/(Bxn)
        Watch the power of the top or bottom equal or dominate the other.
        Examine hoirzontal asymptotes or infinite increase or decrease.
        Think endbehavior and explore.
        Graph and table of rational function, polynomial A(x) divided by B(x).
        Examine asymptotes.
        Examine the role of factors A(x) and 1/B(x).
        Graph and table of rational functions written as A(x) / B(x) + C(x)
        Really play with C(x), the asymptote
        Complete synthetic division and rewrite of quotient and remainder.

            Polynomial functions notes
            zeros definition
            TracePoly gps   -- input coefficients, drag point f(x) to state and show new ( x, f(x))
            polynomial spreadsheet -- graph a polynomial function written in factored form, complete synthetic division
  • Graph a polynomial defined by degrees and coefficients.
    y= anxn + an -1xn -1 + an - 2xn -2 + an - 3xn -3 + an - 4xn - 4 + an - 5xn - 5 + an-6xn - 6 + an -7xn -7
  • Graph a polynomial displayed in factored form.
    y = A(x - b)B(x - c)C(x - d)D
  • Synthetically divide and then view the quotient polynomial and remainder.
    Divide (anxn + an -1xn -1 + an - 2xn -2 + an - 3xn -3 + an - 4xn - 4 + an - 5xn - 5 + an-6xn - 6 + an -7xn -7) ÷ (x-c)
  • Solves linear or quadratic equations. Multiplies 2 binomials or 3 binomials.
            parabola.gsp  -- Multi page: 2 parabolas: 1 in general form, 1 in standard forms,
  • both generated by equations defined by parameters.
  • graphs of 2 parabolas: 1 in general form, 1 in standard forms,
  • 1 parabola, set a, then generat parabola w/2 points.
  • 1 parabola controlled by 3 points, used for determinant analysis
  • 1 vertical axis of symmetry, 1 horizontal "axis of symmetry
5.5 Zeros of Polynomial Functions, pg. 402
      Possible Roots, Factor Theorem, Rational Zero Theorem
5.4 Dividing Polynomials, pg. 393
      synthetic division spreadsheet -- synthetic division of a polynomial or of a quadratic by a linear binomial
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