Grading/Cheating Policy, & Final Grade
            © 2021, 2024, A. Azzolino,
            (T1 @ 10%, T2 @ 10%, T3 & T4 @ 20%, Qz/Hw @ 20%, Exam @ 20%)

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    The burden of proof of both long and short term mastery of skills or concepts lies with the students. Mastery is demonstrated by significant achievement on tests, exams, and homeworks and quizzes.

    Linked here is the Middlesex Colleges Grading Policy.

    This is not the traditional 4.0 grading scheme used at most colleges.

    With this grading scheme, a student earns credit for failing a test so the highest grade is not a 4.0 for an A but a 5.0 for an A. The mathematical and general definitions of each grade are listed below.

MCC Canvas Grades

Canvas is , however, a traditional grading system. Canvas computation does not work for this course but the grades must be posted in canvas.

    Students having disabilities who choose to disclose the disability must obtain official college recognition of the disability in order for the teacher to make any accommodation.

    If a test, assignment, or exam is not completed at the instructor-scheduled time, the grade of NG with the equivalent of ZERO (on a 0 to 5 scale) is assigned. THERE ARE NO MAKE-UP TESTS, QUIZZES, ASSIGNMENTS. THERE IS NO EXTRA CREDIT.

    If the instructor believes a student has cheated, copied, permitted another student to copy work, or participated in any unauthorized collaboration, the grade of CH with the equivalent value of NEGATIVE 1 will be assigned & the scale below is modified to include one additional grade. Grades other than the final exam are sometimes curved by the instructor.

    This page permits a student to determine "WHAT YOU NEED" in order to end the semester with a desired grade. EACH STUDENT IS REQUIRED TO TAKE THE FINAL EXAM, even if a negative "needed" points is determined below.

1st:     For each item, enter a number representing your grade.
The computer will weight the grade for you.
Item weight grade A- B- C- D- NG Cheating
1. Test1 10 % 54.5 43.5 32.5 21.5 10 -1
2. Test2 10 % 54.5 43.5 32.5 21.5 10 -1
3. Test 320 % 54.5 43.5 32.5 21.5 1 0 -1
4. Test 420 % 54.5 43.5 32.5 21.5 1 0 -1
5. Quizzes, HW   20 % 54.5 43.5 32.5 21.5 10 -1
      Quizzes/Homework/Projects represent 20% of the course grade.
        The maximum number of points is 20, but, even if more than 20 are earned, only 20 count.
The reply to the prof's letter is worth   4 points (no partial credit, no resubmit)
Quiz 1, Q1, is worth   3 points (no partial credit, may be resubmitted until 10/4/2024)
The project 2-page summary is worth   2 points
The project presentation or video is worth   2 points
Quizzes, Q2-Q9, are worth   16 possible (2 points if perfect, 1 point for partial credit).
Total possible quiz points   27, only 20 can be earned

6. Final Exam20 % 54.5 43.5 32.5 21.5 10 -1
2nd:     Press to determine the total number of points earned, .
3rd:     In the table below, press "Needed" for the grade you wish to earn.
Final Grade for Course
Range     Grade Is: Additional Points:
25-23     A 
22.5 & up    A-  
21.75 & up    B+ 
20 & up    B  
19.75 & up    B-  
19.25 & up    C+  
15 & up    C  
10 & up    D  
Final Grade for Course
A 92 % 25-23 here use 23
A- 89 % -22.5 here use 22.5
B+ 87 % -21.75 here use 21.75
B 82 % -20.5 here use 20
B- 79 % -19.75 here use 19.75
C+ 77 % -19.25 here use 19.25
C 70 % -17.5 here use 15
D 60 % -15 here use 10
4th:     Use the table in step 1 and step 3 to see what it will take to earn the grade you wish.
  Consider only the items yet to be graded and your ability to achieve a
certain grade on that item and find a way to earn the "NEEDED" points.
 Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 as needed.
  Sample Situations   Sample Cheating Situations
5th:     Use this table to compute your current average.
Compute Your Current Average
Item Item weight &
your grade as
a % of 100%
1. Test1 10 % average of items
2. Test2 10 % 1 & 2  
3. Test 3 20 % 1, 2, 3  
4. Test 4 20 % 1, 2, 3, 4  
5. Quizzes, HW 20 % 1, 2, 3, 4, 5  
6. Final Exam 20 % 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6  

A5 usually better than one standard deviation above the mean
A-, A/B, and B+4.5 
B4 usually between .25 and 1 standard deviations above the mean
B-, B/C, C+3.5 
C3 usually within .25 standard deviations of the mean
C-, C/D, and D+2.5 
D2 usually between .25 and 1 standard deviations below the mean
D- and F+1.5 
F1 usually more than 1 standard deviation below the mean
NG,0no grade, no assisnment received

* Indicates the instructor believes the student has cheated, copied, permitted another student to copy work, or participated in any unauthorized collaboration. The grade of CH with the equivalent value of -1 will be assigned. The grade of CH is worth -1 points and is worse than missing an assignment.

    Students having disabilities who choose to disclose the disability must obtain official college recognition of the disability in order for the teacher to make any accommodation.

    If a test, assignment, or exam is not completed at the instructor-scheduled time, the grade of NG with the equivalent of ZERO (on a 0 to 5 scale) is assigned. THERE ARE NO MAKE-UP TESTS, QUIZZES, ASSIGNMENTS. THERE IS NO EXTRA CREDIT.

    If the instructor believes a student has cheated, copied, permitted another student to copy work, or participated in any unauthorized collaboration, the grade of CH with the equivalent value of -1 will be assigned. Grades other than the final exam are sometimes curved by the instructor.

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© 7/31/2024 A. Azzolino