Calc I, Derivative Cheat Sheets

      MAT131 Spring 2025 Notes

Feb 5,6 Basic Differentiation Rules (2.3, pg. 82) & Print # 2. BLANK Basic Derivatives

Comments ...

Today You Learn the Detivative "Times Tables"

    Because you are in this class I believe you learned your times tables in the 2nd through 4th grades and found work with fractions and then factoring easy.   Those students who did not, often found fractions and factoring more challenging, used a calculator, and stopped taking math courses.

    Today is is your task to learn basic derivatives like times tables -- by memory, without use of cheat sheets and calculators or web pages, so that you can mentally do more challenging, complicated, derivatives which follow. Yes, calculators and cheat sheets are still available to you but see if you can ween yourself of their use.

    Happy studying.

asquared at MCC

                        Stay safe, A2

To Be Printed:
2. (Section 2.3) Statement of Basic Derivative BLANK      
3. (Section 2.3) Statements of Basic Derivative and Antiderivatives, CHEAT SHEET
4. (Section 2.1-2.5) Derivatives Connect-the-dots
    Resources -- Pages & Sketchpads
  • Derivatives Web Page
  • fX.f'X.f''X.intX.gsp - includes sine-cosine cycle on sheet 4
  • DerAnyFx.gps -- Derivative of Any Function
    * One may trace the function and see coordinates displayed.
    * One may edit the function.
    * One may graph the approximate derivative function.
    1 - f(x) w/tangent line
    2 - f(x) & TRACE
    3 - any f(x): x, f(x), f'(x), f''(x)
    4 - sin(x): x, f(x), f'(x), f''(x)
  • tracef.f1.f2.f3.f4.gsp
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2/19/2025, A2, Agnes Azzolino