Calc I, Derivative Cheat Sheets

calc1      MAT131 Spring 2025 Notes


Some of the Possible Project Topics, Listed by Calendar Date
1/21 & 22 & 23	-- An Introduction to Limits (1.1) & Finding Limits Analytically (1.3)
				-- What Does Indeterminant Form Mean?
Jan 27 & 28		-- One-Sided Limits and Continuity (1.4-1.5)
				-- use the Geometer's Sketchpad to analytically examine limits of a continuous function
				-- present examples of limits of a continuous function and of a function which is not continuous approached form an analytical and an algebraic standpoint
Jan 29, 30		-- Limits Involving Infinity (1.6)
				-- use the Geometer's Sketchpad to analytically examine limits of a function(s) at infinity
				-- for rational functions, explain limits at infinity from the Ax^m/Bx^n perspective
Feb 3, 4			-- Instantaneous Rates of Change and Interpretations of the Derivative (2.1-2.2)
				-- Real-world examples of instantaneous rates of change and average rates of change
Feb 5, 6			-- Basic Differentiation Rules (2.3)
				-- analytically explain the derivative of ln(x)
				-- use the Geometer's Sketchpad to graph (then name) the derivative of a function using TRACE
				-- write a problem set w/answers and work
				-- write a connect-the-dots
				-- review the cyclic nature of the derivatives & antiderivatives of the sine and cosine
Feb 10, 11		-- The Product and Quotient Rules (2.4)
				-- perhaps analytically explain the derivative of ln(x)
				-- perhaps write a problem set w/answers and work
				-- perhaps write a connect-the-dots
Feb 12, 13, 18	-- The Chain Rule (2.5)
				-- perhaps analytically explain the derivative of ln(x)
				-- perhaps write a problem set w/answers and work
				-- perhaps write a connect-the-dots
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1/14/2025, A2