Comments ...
Your First Test - Hi,
- Usually on Thursday afternoon or night I post a new Friday assignment/text/quiz. Test 1 of 1/31 is link above in red .
- Test 1 has two parts: a. the answers form the forms page, and b. the image of the graph of question 5c.
- Tests grades are posted in Canvas as a percent but computed at the end of the semester as outlined on the
grading and cheating page. Friday's test is worth 10% of the course grade.
- This time your work must be submitted by the forms page and submitted/sent by email as a renamed
attachment to or by Friday night at 11:59 pm.
- This is a reminder that this is an OPEN BOOK test and you are encouraged to use your notes or class notes or your textbook or a web resource
BUT NOT ANOTHER PERSON. Cheat sheets and free software are listed at the far right.
- By now you should have done the odd exercises in the textbook and checked answers listed in the back of the book.
- You should also may have attended Zoom classes and perhaps EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE looked at the additional "Notes" images
listed on each day's web page and perhaps some of the links.
- You might think a connect-the-dots is a waste of time, but, I gives you a very good idea of some of what I think is important.
The pages were written using material I have used and believe important from prior semesters.
Go with confidence. Stay safe, A2
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