MAT131 Fall 2024 Notes

Wed 9/4	Print # 1	pg. 1, 18	An Introduction to Limits (1.1) & Finding Limits Analytically (1.3)		
Mon 9/9	Print # 1	pg. 30, 37	One-Sided Limits and Continuity (1.4-1.5)		
Notes:	Wed 9/4	Print # 1	pg. 1, 18	An Introduction to Limits (1.1) & Finding Limits Analytically (1.3)		Notes:	09.04A - MyOpenMath Codes, 09.04B - Warmup Fake Quiz,
		 09.04C - Special Limits, 09.04D - Limits Connect-the-Dots,  09.04E - When Limits Do,  Not Exist, 09.04F  
		09.09A, 09.09B, 09.09C, 09.09D

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