MAT131 Fall 2024 Notes

Fri 10/18			derivatives of inverse fx			Notes:	10.18A, 10.18B, 10.18C, 10.18D

      Your quiz is 2 problems right from the book.

      Show work. Check your work with a computer algebra system like:

Derivative Calculator

      Circle your answer. Get a perfect paper. Read the message below also written in the email with your test.

      I am attaching your graded quizzes and the answer key and emailing a rather lengthy email.
In General,
      "Your" math work is too symbol dependent. You already should know the basic derivatives. Now just sing the derivative, just mentally or on paper layout what the derivative of a quotient, product, composition of functions should look like and just fill in the pieces as shown.
      Restated: Basic derivatives are the "times tables" -- you should know them without a cheat sheet. The product, quotient, composite derivatives should just be filled in the format of the derivative.
      Why do it this way?
1. Your calc II prof will expect that you have this ability.
2. You probably shouldn't waste your time with all the symbol writing "you" -- calc I students this semester -- have handed in.
3. It will not get you a better grade, but, may lead to computational/copying errors. Keep it clean, not cluttered.
      "Your" work in many cases is not college-level, but sloppy or high school quality. Be deliberate. PROOF READ!! Don't lose points by not putting your title on each page. Don't lose points by forgetting to write the problem when you are told to write a problem. "You" are the supervisors of the very near or the present. Leaders cannot afford to be sloppy or lazy. Your calc work should be neither of those.
--- About Grades ------
* Your test grades and average of Test1 and Test2 grades are posted on Canvas.
* You already have a graded copy of each test and quiz.
* Don't email me or pink box me asking for a grade or for your average. When the tests are graded they are returned and the test grade is posted on Canvas.
* Quiz grades are not posted on Canvas until the end of the semester because that's when the quizzes are completed.
* If you question a grade, REQUEST AN OFFICE HOUR WITH A SPECIFIC TIME AND DATE as listed on my schedule below the pink box.
--- About Testing --------
* If you do not put the entire correct title on each test paper, points are deducted from your score.
      Like: ##.First.Last.Code.p1
* For the next tests and the final I WILL NOT GRADE a paper/sheet if it does not have a title.
* I repeat, YOU WILL BE REQUIRED to print the page(s) of the quiz AND handwrite/draw (not type or use technology) the answers/replies to questions ON THE PAPER ON WHICH THE QUZ IS WRITTEN. This means you must download, print, write answers on the printed sheet(s), scan or take a picture of your quiz, rename it as described on the first day of class and and ATTACH it, and email it to the correct email address, the one for your class. In test conditions, points will be taken off for each of these actions and on a quiz if any of these things is not done correctly, you can earn at most 1 of 2 points.
* If the question says, "Show work," and you do not, "No work, no credit."
--- About Projects ---
* Put your name just below the title. Claim ownership of your material. Also put (c) 2024, Your Name after the title.
* FILL/USE two full pages
*Pink box me a message if you have submitted something for me to read. I don't go to these boxes until Saturday morning or until I get a pink box saying something was submitted.
* Cite the source (usually as a footnote). Give ownership to the one who produced the work you depended upon.
* I will not go to googledocs or outlook or wherever else to see your pdf file. AS STATED ON THE FIRST DAY, ATTACH A CORRECTLY NAMAED FILE AND EMAIL IT TO THE CORRECT address.
* Once your project request is approved, shoot for a prefect pdf file. If it is not good enough, you either redo it or forget about the points for writing it and points for presenting the project.
* Please, make your project worthy of the time of students in your class. Your info must be calc I level material.
* Be sure you project yourself as an expert worthy of classmate's time and credit from the prof.
* Do not produce a video until your pdf is approved.
* If your pdf file includes a problem for students to work on as you present, include and additional page with the HANDWRITTEN work and answer in your pdf file or an additional pdf file.
* If you are making a video, post it, perhaps to youtube. I do not have a facebook account so could not see or grade it. I believe Middlesex chooses not to send mp4 files. You must post it and send to me the link to the video. I may be able to help you with this, but you are better off watching someone else's video. Try: or
Good luck and go with confidence.
stay safe, a^2
Quiz/Test Instructions
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