MAT131 Fall 2024 Notes

Fri 9/13	TEST 1		TEST 1 (10% of course grade) on 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 	

      Test 1

Quiz/Test Instructions
" -------thursday am email  ------------ 5:38 AM 9/12/2024 ----------------
	In a few hours I will post new Friday, 9/13 pages with links for your test in calc I and quiz in precalc.
	Tests are graded as a percent and tomorrow's is worth 10% of the course grade.
	Quizzes are 2 points if perfect, of a possible 20 points this semester, and 1 point for a paper
that is not perfect.
	All quizzes together are worth 20% of the course grade.
	The calc test is a form where you fill in answers and hit send as you did with your letter. 
(No partial credit for incorrect answers.)
	The precalc test must be printed, then written by hand (or typed) then scanned or saved as a file 
named ##.first.last.Q2 and .gif or .pdf or . some other extension as you did with Quiz 1 then mailed to or as attachments.
	Tests and quizzes must be submitted/sent by tomorrow night at 11:59 pm.
	This message will be reprinted on the Friday 9/13 web page with the link described above.
	This is a reminder that this is an open book test and you are encouraged to use your notes or 
class notes or your textbook or a web resource BUT NOT ANOTHER PERSON.
	By now you should have done the odd exercises in the textbook and checked answers listed in 
the back of the book.
	You should also have at least looked at the additional "Notes" images listed on each day’s web page 
and some of the links. You might think a connect-the-dots is a waste of time, but, I gives you a very good 
idea of some of what I think is important.  The pages were written using material I have used and believe 
important from prior semesters.
	Go with confidence.
	Stay safe. a^2" -------------end -------- thursday am email ---------------------------------- 
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