2017 AMTNJ.ORG Year End Report, (c) 1/2018, A. Azzolino See: http://www.mathnstuff.com/papers/wp.htm for home page vocabulary in a picture, other websites, resources See: http://amtnj.org/about-us/history/2017-in-review/ for an idea of the stuff done in 2017. 1. Web Pages and Posts Created (number of pages/posts) EVENTS WERE NOT TALLIED. A. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND OTHER OFFERINGS a. 2017 AMTNJ Web PD (1) b. 2016-2017 AMTNJ/DIMACS K-12 Math Workshops at Rutgers University (January to May, 2017) (1) c. 2017-2018 AMTNJ/DIMACS K-12 Math Workshops at Rutgers University (November to May 2018) (1) d. 2017 AMTNJ Summer Institutes (2) e. 2018 AMTNJ Summer Institutes (2 ) B. MEETINGS/CONFERENCES (And No Other Use) * 2017 AMTNJ Annual Winter Conference (1) * 2017 AMTNJ/DIMACS 31st Good Ideas in Teaching Precalculus and (1) * 2017 New^3 Summer Conference, "Coming Together for Learning, Teaching and Students" (1) * 2017 AMTNJ Annual Two-Day Conference (17) a. Set of Links Common to Each Page: **Paper Registration & Preview**Online Registration Form**Make an E-Payment (1)** **Thursday Program (1)**Friday Program (1)**Printable Program** **Find Favorite Presenters & their Paper/Link (1)**Short Conference Summary (1)**Version #**Book a Room (1) b. Pre, During, Post Meeting stuff including Featured Speaker Pages * 2017 AMTNJ @ NJEA Teachers Convention (1) * 2017 AMTNJ Special Education & Mathematics Conference (4) * 2018 AMTNJ Annual Winter Conference (4) * 2018 AMTNJ/DIMACS 32st Good Ideas in Teaching Precalculus and (1) C. OTHER EVENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENT * AMTNJ Scholarship (2 ) * Make a Donation (1) * Max Sobel (1+) * HS & MS Contests (4) * Happy New Year (1) * Membership Ends (1) * AMTNJ is a Blog (1) * Social Network Connections are listed on the homepage under Publications at the bottom of the page and under SOCIAL NETWORK on the navigation menu at the top of all pages.(2) * Make A Payment (1) @ http://amtnj.org/make-a-payment/ * Vendor/Sponsorship/Table Costs (1) @ http://amtnj.org/sponsors-vendors-advertisers/ * Links from DIRECTORY Page * History a. Tiny Treasures including Giants (7 ) b. Past Presidents (11), 2017 in Review (1), 2016 in Review (1) D. Pages with major editing * History page @ http://amtnj.org/about-us/history/ * 2017 in review @ http://amtnj.org/about-us/history/2017-in-review/ * About Us @ http://amtnj.org/about-us/ * Officers and Appointments @ http://amtnj.org/about-us/officers/ * Past-Presidents @ http://amtnj.org/about-us/past-presidents/ 2. ISSUES * Blogs a. 4 blogs were used but have all been removed because (1) they were no longer needed, (2) we kept getting the nicest, most complementary posts (more than 200) but they were usually not on topic b. When a new blog is created, PUT A PASSWORD ON EACH BLOG TO PREVENT OUTSIDER POSTS. * Hacks and Attempted hacks. a. February alone had over 2000 attempted hacks attacks, yes, 2000. b. The attempted hacks were decreased by (1) purchasing additional protective software, (2) increasing the time before an incorrect password could be re-tried, (3) removing a poor username. c. Now there are usually between 0 and 8 attempted hacks each day, but, this is manageable. * Technical Issues a. GoDaddy does not always fix the problem (attack) and sometimes makes the problem worse. b. The web site does things in its own way -- posts go here, events go there, pages link here, and sliders -- as all of the aforementioned -- are ordered, except pages, by date entered. 3. SUGGESTIONS * To Program Chair(s) For Meetings a. Get a logo as soon as possible w/image at lease 200 x 200 pixels or at another source 195 pixels horizontal by 110 pixel vertical. I WILL NOT CHANGE A LOGO WHICH HAS ALREADY BEEN POSTED. I WILL POST NEW MATERIAL WITH A NEW LOGO. b. Perhaps include the year of the meeting in your title posts and meeting page titles. They will be edited to reflect the year. c. If you want a post featured on the home site, it NEEDS a logo. d. If you want a post which has a slider, it should have a logo (or you can create your own slider) as well as text and links desired. e. If you want a new page created, it needs: the text for the page, a slider for a post to announce the page, the text for the post, the focus words (see f below). I will code your post or page BUT I WILL NOT WRITE THE TEXT OR MESSAGE. f. If you want your page found by "outsiders" or members, include in your intro paragraph items that would be used by someone in an internet search. OR send to me an additional paragraph or list of focus words not visible to the world but to only the webmaster which an individual might include in a search -- like mathematics, special education, self-contained class, supervisor, mathematics chair. g. Plan on a series of posts (perhaps one every 2-3 weeks) so your meeting is visible and "fresh and new," rather than the same stuff posted once and just left to get old. Multiple meet-a-presenter posts or highlighted-strands posts are ideal for this. h. Don't forget to send me new info in a separate email you are planning to send out in an eblast. Sometimes I've only gotten info because I am a member and get eblasts and I do not do anything with it because I've not been told what to do with it. I. Featured Speaker Bios as well as Items listed above 1.B.a. gives you an idea of what you might put in individual posts about your meeting. I WILL POST A SPEAKERS: name, affiliation, bio (professional and personal a long as desired), an email address, a link to a web page, a head shot, BUT, I WILL NOT WRITE THE BIO. j. After the meeting, PLEASE send pictures of members gathering or in workshops or sessions or pictures of presenters so that when the meeting is over they may be posted to show that we are actually doing something. These pictures should probably also go the Facebook person. k. WebPress CAN NOT UPLOAD doc files or docx files! IT CAN ONLY UPLOAD AND HOST JPG FILES, GIF FILES, AND PDF FILES! I can use doc or docx or text or pdf files to write your web pages. l. Send, at conference end, a list of vendors who have donated and/or supported the conference for a web announcement of support.