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© '06, A2

Pick a Power Connect-the-Dots

Use mental computation to complete this signed number connect-the-dots puzzle.
Mentally simplify an expression then connect the dot for an answer to the dot for the previous answer.

1. 42 = 16

2. 32 = 9

3. 22 = 4

4. 23 = 8

5. 24 = 16

6. 82 = 64

7. 112 = 121

8. 72 = 49

9. 33 = 27

10. 102 = 100

11. 25 = 32

12. 52 = 25

13. 53 = 125

14. (2/3)2 = 4/9

15. 92 = 81

16. 122 = 144

17. 62 = 36

18. 43 = 64

Circle this answer.       19. 19

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