IN MATH: 1. v. to perform the operation of division. EX. What's 19 divided by 2?

IN ENGLISH: 1. v. to seperate into pieces. EX. Divide and conquer!

Don't Divide
Mess Multiply
Sunday Subtract
Best Bring Down
Don't Divide - Divide the outside number into the leftmost digit under the division sign and place the answer digit above the leftmost digit under the division sign
Mess Multiply - Multiple the outside number by the answer digit above the leftmost digit under the division sign and write this product below the leftmost digit under the division sign
Sunday Subtract - Subtract this product from the leftmost digit under the division sign and write difference below the subtraction.
    If the difference is greater than or equal to the outside number, repeat the above process using an answer digit that is just 1 larger than before.
    If the difference is less than the outside number, continue with the next step.
Best Bring Down - Bring down the the next unused leftmost digit under the division sign and repeat the process -- Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Bring Down.
  Repeat the process until each digit under the division sign has been used.
  The last difference is the remainder and is written above the division sign after an "r."

APPLICATION: See list 70.

This is a page from the dictionary MATH SPOKEN HERE!, published in 1995 by MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS, inc., ISBN: 0-9623593-5-1.   You are hereby granted permission to make ONE printed copy of this page and its picture(s) for your PERSONAL and not-for-profit use.

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